Friday, June 03, 2005

This is Your Site

A couple of months ago, when this site was just beginning, we put out a call to anyone interested in sending along an article for publication. There was not a lot of response.

Since that time our readership has grown dramatically, some of our articles have been picked up by other sites and there seems to be a growing interest in the site's content.

With this in mind, we thought it might be a good time to re-state our request.

If there are any topics you would like to see included in our forum or if you would like to publish an article yourself on the topic of your choice, please feel free to contact us at the following email link: (

Maybe you have some insights into the offshore oil revenue issue, sealing, our lack of a power base in Parliament, our current government (Federal or Provincial), or maybe a topic that is far removed from these but one that never the less has a bearing on our place in Canada.

Whatever the topic, feel free to let us know. We'd love to hear your opinions and thoughts.

Remember, this is your forum.

Thanks, Patriot

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Guidelines to follow when making a comment:

1) Comment on the topic
2) Do not provide personal information on anyone,
3) Do not name anyone unless they are publicly connected with the topic
4) No personal attacks please

Due to a high volume of computer generated spam entering the comments section I have had to re-institute the comment word verification feature.