Thursday, January 12, 2006

Liberals Reach a New High in Lows with Latest Campaign Ad

Paul Martin and the Liberal Party of Canada have pulled a lot of fast ones over the past decade or two. They’ve quietly made back room deals equivalent to selling your own mother. They’ve employed kick back schemes, exhibited cronyism like it was an art form and openly lied to the people of this country time and time again. For all of this and more, they have gone unpunished by the voters in election after election. In fact we as a nation have practically rewarded them for their efforts. Now, in the middle of a closely contested election campaign where the central issue is the very integrity of their party, they have reached a new high in lows by all but spitting in the faces of every military man and woman in this Country.

As many people are aware by now, in a recent Liberal election ad this desperate and morally bankrupt group, in an attempt to impugn Harper’s Conservative party, had the audacity and utter poor taste to present a scenario where our own military would be rolled into the streets and turned against us if we voted Conservative. Think about this folks. What are they really telling the Canadian public? Here is what I read into that ad.

Firstly they were saying that a Conservative win would be somewhat akin to putting a Nazi government in place. That suddently little Jimmy, your neighbour’s boy who joined the infantry out of high school last year, would become some sort of SS sniper who would shoot you in the streets. Perhaps your cousin Sheila, who has been posted out west for the past few years, would be assigned the task of creating internment lists, maybe even one with your name on it. That your friends and neighbours, perhaps even your own children who serve in Canada’s forces, cannot be trusted to protect you under another party’s leadership. That only the Liberal party can protect you and keep the military from taking over the streets.

Has a political party in this or any other western democracy ever sunk so low? I doubt it. The ad is not only despicable and disgusting, it insults every military person in this Country, past or present and it scoffs at the very intelligence of the general public. This is a new low, even for the Liberal party.

Granted the party says they intend to pull the ad. In fact they claim it should never have been aired in the first place. With sentiment I can heartily agree, it shouldn’t have been aired, but does that let them off the hook for this vicious attack on our armed forces and the general public? I don’t believe it does. Indeed they may never have intended for this to air but even producing such a disgusting and insulting ad in the first place speaks volumes about the level this group will sink to if it suits their agenda.

I can just picture the Liberal brain trust sitting in some back room laughing at the gullibility of the voters they were targeting. I can perhaps envision them slapping each other on the back and cracking jokes about how they were going to scare the crap out of Joe Six Pack and Sally Lunch Pail. After seeing what this corrupt collection of egomaniacs has done in the past, I’d be willing to bet that even if they hadn’t initially planned to run the ad, if they had suddenly found that it was even a little effective on some segment of our population it would still be running from coast to coast.

We all know election campaigns can sometimes get nasty, even downright dirty and a lot of mud can be slung on all sides. Mud is one thing, this is something completely different. When a party tries to use cold callous and calculated scare tactics to convince the public that armed troops will be rolled into the streets and that our own military, the prime purpose of which is to protect our way of life, will be used against us, they've gone way too far. There’s a line that doesn’t get crossed, even in the heat of an election and even by a government that feels it is entitled to its position. The Liberal Party of Canada has not only crossed that line, they can’t even see it in the distance behind them.

The saddest thing about all of this is that I doubt they feel even a glimmer of remorse for the whole situation. I fear the only thing they are even remotely sorry about is the possibility that this fiasco may have an unwanted impact on the number of votes they can capture on January 23 and that too is very telling.


  1. This ad is still running in Quebec, although it was pulled from the English Canada airwaves for over a week now. Interesting, eh?

  2. A friend of mine reminded me of something just a few minutes ago that it would do Canadians (and especially Quebecers, well to remember. When it comes to putting troops in Canadian streets the only government to do that has been a Liberal government during hte FLQ crisis.

    I wonder how that little reminder would play in Quebec.

  3. It's kind of funny really. In an article on January 4th I focused on the fact that the Liberal party had turned media manipulation into a fine art. I guess now they've decided to branch out into dramatic fiction. Maybe they're shooting for an Oscar in the short subject category.

  4. This is too funny. First a Liberal candidate says the ad wasn't approved but that some "Idiot" sent it out with a batch of other ads. What he didn't know was that Martin had already admitted to approving it. Now Martin is doing a 180 and denying that he approved it.

    I guess he doesn't want to be recognized at that "Idiot".

  5. What I really find interesting is that it is still airing in Quebec. SO if they pulled it from he airwaves, did somebody (or some party, i.e. the Bloc, possibly teamed with the Conservatives) force it to be continually aired as a slap in the face, maybe. Sounds plausible, especially in Quebec.

    There has to be some reason it's still airing there, you think Patriot? Especially, maybe, in light of the memories of the FLQ crisis it must resurrect.

  6. Lost in Translation. LOL

    I speak french and in my mind it is no different than the english one was.

  7. Bye the way. We all must take political promises with a big grain of salt, but in reference to putting forces personnel in Labrador, it is not just a promise by Harper in the letter to Williams.

    In addition to his statement in the letter, Harper has also mentioned it on several occasions in other parts of Canada, most recently in New Brunswick where he identified the contingent as a "Rapid Response Team to be stationed in Labrador".

  8. To NL-Ex:

    I doubt the Bloc or Conservatives are airing the commercial, it is afterall owned by the Liberal party and the others don't have any right to display it.

    I think the reality is that the Liberals are so narrow minded that they hope the spectre of military in the streets will indeed remind Quebec voters about the FLQ crisis and scare them away from anyone who would increase the power of the military.

    I believe they think Quebec voters are so stupid that they will remember the invocation of martial law but forget that it was a Liberal government that did it. Fortunately the polls in Quebec suggest that it isn't working.


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