Monday, December 18, 2006

NL Groups Hosting Star studded Press Conference on December 20th

Is Rural Newfoundland and Labrador Alive?

Is there a choice for our youth growing up in rural Newfoundland and Labrador?

Are there success stories among all the doom and gloom we so often hear?

The Newfoundland and Labrador Defense League (NLDL) says there is!

The Newfoundland and Labrador Young Farmers Forum says there is!

Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth (FINALY) says there is!

The Community Linkages Concept Committee (CLCC) says there is!

Watch your local news coverage on Wednesday Dec 20th for a press conference containing more on how we can all play our part. The conference will include guest speakers:

Ray Johnson of Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellas and a member of both the CLCC and NLDL, young entrepeneurs like Chan Wiseman of the Young Farmers Forum, Shelly Broomfield, Jill Curran and special guest, platinum award winning musician and proud son of Newfoundland and Labrador, Rex Goudie!

Other well known names will also be in attendance so make sure to tune in and check your local papers the next day for further coverage.

Stay tuned Newfoundland and Labrador.


  1. What a joke!!!
    Such special guests---

    as if they have any say in anything.

    Don't you people get tired of repeating the same mantra over and over?

    Newfoundland unfortunately is a hopeless province.

    That has been proven over and over.

    Merry Christmas.
    Keep believing in a Christmas miracle


  2. I will mimic to you your question - "don't you people get sick of repeating the same mantra over and over again that we are hopeless". I will add the province of Newfoundland and Labrador is not hopeless since it took us 57 years to figure out how Canada works, and now that we have we are not going to stay quiet.

    I will attempt to answer your question for you and I will put it in my words. The question "Why has the province of Newfoundland and Labrador been a hopeless province up to now"? Ottawa has structured Canada to be a Centralist government with centralist economies. All the resources up till now belonging to Newfoundland and Labrador have had to be exported to the Central part of Canada with a little bit of resources oozing out into the peripheries, with none reaching as far East as Newfoundland and Labrador. Plus most of the high-paying Federal jobs are placed in the Central part of Canada, following the same pattern as Ottawa used for natural resources, a few of the Federal jobs eased as far east as Nova Scotia, with none oozing as far East as Newfoundland and Labrador. Well my fellow poster that is exactly what happened to Newfoundland and Labrador, a province WELL ENDOWED WITH MANY RESOURCES, but our resources had to be exported towards the Centre of Canada to keep that region rich. That is the prime reason that kept Newfoundland and Labrador poor; we couldn't keep any of our resources here to create industry. When a province is permitted to use its resources, then and only then can it create manufacturing industries, and, of course the processing of the resources creates many jobs, and that is where the good economies come from in the rest of Canada. We, the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, are becoming more aware of what has happened in this province during our time in Canada, and we are going to fight with all our might to change our horrible place in it.

  3. To the poster L.V., I commend anybody who is willing to work towards enhancing the overall well being of this province. It is unfortunate that there are those out there who relish in heaping insults on this place and it's people. What causes people to spew such vitreol hate is beyond me. Perhaps it is something that is lacking in a persons life thats causes them to strike out, I honestly don't know. I myself have admiration for those who are positive thinkers and who give a little of themselves for a common good. L.v., perhaps I should feel sorry for you and those like you.

    Artfull Dodger

  4. Ottawa has structured Canada to be a Centralist government with centralist economies.

    What do you mean by "centralist"?

    The provincial government is far more given to "central planning" than the federal one.

    All the resources up till now belonging to Newfoundland and Labrador have had to be exported to the Central part of Canada

    Says who? And how?

    Plus most of the high-paying Federal jobs are placed in the Central part of Canada,

    Shock and surprise! That's also where most of the people, and the national capital, are located.

    If you dig deeply you might also discover that most of the high-paying provincial jobs are "placed" in the Avalon Peninsula. See if you can figure out why.

    with none oozing as far East as Newfoundland and Labrador.

    There are no federal jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador? Not one? Really?

    Well my fellow poster that is exactly what happened to Newfoundland and Labrador, a province WELL ENDOWED WITH MANY RESOURCES,

    What do natural resources and government jobs have to do with one another? By your logic, shouldn't all the provincial government jobs then be in Labrador?

    but our resources had to be exported towards the Centre of Canada to keep that region rich.

    "Had to be" according to what or whom?

    That is the prime reason that kept Newfoundland and Labrador poor; we couldn't keep any of our resources here to create industry.

    Why not?

    What's stopping anyone from opening a steel mill in the province? Which other resources?

    When a province is permitted to use its resources,

    "Permitted" by whom? Who grants or withholds this "permission"? Which provinces have been so "permitted"? Which ones haven't?

  5. It is unfortunate that there are those out there who relish in heaping insults on this place and it's people. What causes people to spew such vitreol hate is beyond me.

    It is unfortunate that there are those out there who relish in heaping myths on this place and it's people. What causes people to spew such malevolent lies is beyond me.

  6. Shut up WJM. You are setting this province back another 57 years by backing Ottawa the way you do. It is sad how our hard earned tax dollars go to provide a job for somebody like you, who only serves to cover things up further. Everytime somebody posts to this blog trying to uncover what has happened here, you write to discredit them. Give up your deceitfulness please. We are trying to get this province on the right track.

    Apparently the only way the Lower Churchill can be developed is if it is developed for Ontario's benefit, since Ontario is lacking energy to grow more industry. It is sickening the billions poured into Bombardier and other Canadian Corporations and our Federal Government won't back us so that we can do the project for Labrador. Labrador should have this energy to create industry there.

  7. I say we clean this blog up some, Patriot. Delete the comments from all these nuisance posters.

    It's like that buddy or aquaintance everybody has, who can never find the positive in anything, but loves to dis and damn everything - even the obvious good idea.

    Hell, if WJM can come in here, with his political, divide and conquere agenda and all his garbage, lies, and deceit, and toss his negativity around like the only thing that matters is his next Federal paycheque, than why can't we all play some small, yet helpful political role in silencing these greedy, self-serving, ignorant, hateful, thoughtless bloggers who can't see the forest for the trees.

    And let's not even start on these cowardly Anon's, like the L.V above. Nobody really cares about a 'handle or a nickname, but everybody dislikes cowards who not only damn everything, but encourage others to spread their hatred as well.

    These hatred-spreading "Anonymice" fall into the same category as the WJM's of this site; they have nothing good to offer anybody, but have plenty to hate to corrupt just about everything.

    It's time we limit this place to those with something more - something positive - to offer NL.

    Bring in the young, positivily-influencial, and open minded blood and let's see if we can get something better going here for a change, and silence those who have no encouraging words to offer anybody.

    Good luck on the Press Conference. Some of us want to see NL succeed.

  8. Good Luck also on your upcoming Press Conference Myles.

  9. It seems there are a handfull of contrarians and trolls posting on this blog, with the sole intent of maligning anyone who wishes to see this province do well. Perhaps the best way to deal with people such as this is to simply ignore them, them seem to thrive on attention.

    Artfull dodger

  10. I believe you are right Artful dodger. Though, it is quite difficult to sit back and read some of the things that are written on this blog by a certain poster rebutting what has happened to our resources, especially since we became aware of the reasons Newfoundland and Labrador's natural resources got dealt out the way they did. The fact that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador was endowed with so many natural resources and is so poor economically, after 57 years of being part of the 'so called' greatest country in the world needs to be further scrutinized. A country like Canada with supposedly so many ethics should have checks and balances in place to ensure that one of its provinces, the newest one, Newfoundland and Labrador, had its resources dealt out in such a way that, it too, became a viable entity within the federation of Canada. Something is drastically wrong with the picture as it applies to Newfoundland and Labrador's economic status in the most ethical country in the world given the resources that it brought to the table. All one has to do is think about it and ask the pertinent questions.

  11. Although I frequently read this Blog and feel very passionate about the majority of topics, I rarely post. It’s generally a waste of time as the comment area is filled with low-lives such as L.V. and my time is better spent not arguing with ignoramuses like you. But, at the same time it is sort of nice to read your negative stereotyping as it reminds me that an event like this upcoming conference is needed.

  12. I attended the Press Conference this morning and I found it to be exhilarating. With that conference we have gone one step further in that we have introduced 25 elementary school children to this debate. I think this sort of panel needs to be continued and it has to be taken into every school in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador so that our problems can be talked about on a weekly basis amongst our children. Matter of fact every school in this province should start a once per week debating session on the problems of out migration that face this province today and the lack of economies in a province with so many resources. The schools are where our future leaders and entrepreneurs are being housed at the moment, and their minds and hearts are the ones we have to get through to at this present time to ward off out migration by having economies created in this province. As all the panel members stated, we do not have to go away to another province if we don't want to, we can create industry here. I have to say that I was truly inspired by the panel of true blue Newfoundlanders and Labradorians that appeared on that panel, they really touched my heart. By the way some, if not all of the panel members did create jobs in this province for themselves and others.

    Now that the Lower Churchill Hydro Project is being talked about coming under development, we the ordinary people of NL have to jump into the fray and demand of Premier Williams, a very well informed gentleman in the business world, that this project will not be developed to continue industries points West, especially for Ontario, but instead will be developed for creation of industries in Labrador. If we are to fulfill our dreams of creating industries, one of the first places we start is with our resources. Our resources should only be developed here for this province, if there are excesses in any of the resources, then and only then can we think about exporting that excess.

    Through this blog, I, myself, am going to use the Conference this morning as my springboard to tell Premier Williams that our people are now on the move, and please Premier do what is noble and right and have the Lower Churchill Project developed solely for this province, the energy should remain in Labrador to create industry in Labrador.

  13. That last comment by anonymous is the kind of positive posting that we appreciate in this blog. The press conference today was great, it's the sort of thing we need to build on. I've said it before and I'll say it again, people like Wally and L.V. should be blocked from this blog. They're what I like to call toxic. L.V. is just plain ignorant and Ottawally, well he's just playing that same old useless tune. You'll find no new ideas with these type of people so we would be better off without them. Can any of the regular posters here think of anything possible use for these folks??? I think not. We would all be better served if WJM and L.V. went away for a nice long circle jerk and left us alone.

  14. But then who would wipe off your protein stains? I mean dissent is healthy because it reflects diverging realities within an area, which are as real as your own, I mean if you want monotony and just want to listen to a bunch angry people fine, I mean the net can accommodate your world view, sorry if we've threatened your environment.

  15. I'm new to this blog, well fairly new at least. As I see it, a healthy debate of ideas can occur without the use of expletives, insults or excessivley negative postings, and I've bourne witness to all of the above.

    It is disturbing to read posts by people who wish to contribute nothing constructive, who only wish to post remarks that are clearly intended to raise the hackles of those who only wish to debate or discuss topics in a civil manner, in other words 'trolling'.

    I agree with starrigan regarding the barring of those who only wish to stir up dissent. Some people only wish to poison the debate and it is unfortunate when those intending such mischevious behaviour are quite possibly Newfoundlanders & Labradoreans.

    Artfull Dodger

  16. Today was a positive day for the youth of Newfoundland and Labrador. Let the debating begin.

  17. who only serves to cover things up further.

    What am I covering up?

    Oh yeah -- you don't know, because we're all covering it up.

    Everytime somebody posts to this blog trying to uncover what has happened here, you write to discredit them.

    No, whenever someone writes something of dubious accuracy or exactitude, I call them out on it. Not just here, either.

    Apparently the only way the Lower Churchill can be developed is if it is developed for Ontario's benefit, since Ontario is lacking energy to grow more industry.

    "Apparently" according to whom?

    It is sickening the billions poured into Bombardier and other Canadian Corporations and our Federal Government won't back us so that we can do the project for Labrador.

    So the complaint is that we don't get enough corporate welfare?

    Labrador should have this energy to create industry there.

    Absolutely... But which industries are you referring to? Where would they locate? Has there been any interest yet? Does this mean that Newfoundland gives up on its greedy dream of taking Labrador's power all for itself?

  18. Hell, if WJM can come in here, with his political, divide and conquere agenda and all his garbage, lies, and deceit, and toss his negativity around

    "Garbage" and "negativity" are subjective, in the eye of the beholder.

    But I do challenge you: Point out any of my "lies" or "deceit".

    Thank you.

    It's time we limit this place to those with something more - something positive - to offer NL.

    What, only people who buy into the crypto-separatist garbage?

    Bring in the young, positivily-influencial, and open minded blood

    I'm as open-minded as they come... but you should never be so open-minded your brain falls out.

    I agree though: ban the anonymice.

    I love it when L succeeds!

  19. But then who would wipe off your protein stains? I mean dissent is healthy because it reflects diverging realities within an area, which are as real as your own, I mean if you want monotony and just want to listen to a bunch angry people fine, I mean the net can accommodate your world view,

    So can VOCM call-in shows and the Newfoundland Weekly Separatist. The lack of dissent and critical thought in the public discourse is beyond discouraging; it's actually dangerous. It's Back to the Smallwood Future.

    sorry if we've threatened your environment.

    I'm not sorry at all!

  20. Anon 10:15 PM again

    You know WJM, I'm a bit conflicted, on one hand I support your even handed approach and pointing out of hypocrisy, but on the other hand in a lot of ways while Labrador does provide a suitable analogue to national affairs, the fact does arise that you are dealing with a population base of just 20,000 over a very large land mass. While the infrastructure should be supported and as much as it exposes island hypocrisy you know there is a certain “backwoods” nature to Labrador which does hinder any precedents for it. I mean I’m sure you like it there and stick up for it because you live there and were born there, but sympathies from the outside I guess can be hard to muster. Then again I guess that applies to any place really and is the reason anyone is here to begin with.

  21. Those kids were like .what?...10 years old?? A 10 year old says they'll never move away..big shock there. Ask them when they are 19. may want to expand your audience a bit. Can't get any other group to sit and listen to you??

  22. the fact does arise that you are dealing with a population base of just 20,000 over a very large land mass.

    When did Labrador lost the other 10,000 or so in its population?

    And what does population density have to do with it?

    While the infrastructure should be supported and as much as it exposes island hypocrisy you know there is a certain “backwoods” nature to Labrador which does hinder any precedents for it.

    How so?

    What is "backwoods nature"?

  23. Population density has everything to do with it, if you have a place of business the closer more people are able to utilize a service they can use it more frequently and, in turn, tertiary services can be accommodated, since there is more activity and infrastructure to accommodate it.

    Take a Costco in St. John's, those whom live in the east end usually patron the place every second day if not daily for there shopping needs. They are able to make frequent trips because the convenience and distance make it accessible; someone from CBS on the other hand may find it only convenient to travel to Costco say maybe twice a month or maybe not even have a membership. If those same people were in the east end they would be able to access the store more money would change hands more frequently and tertiary services can be offered because there is enough activity, not necessarily bodies in order to sustain it.

    The less distance it takes to go to the well the more times you would be inclined to make the trip and the more satiated you can become.

    As for backwoods , well Labrador is a hinterland and that may be the pot calling the kettle black but it exemplifies the same petulance and sense of entitlement that many other denizens seem to exemplify, it's just as asinine and seems exacerbated by the fact that yes, you are dealing with a sparse population of 30,000 (sorry about the slip up in stats)and it makes a slim proportion of the entity it exists irregardless of it's output of resources, it's not a major population center and it's not the center of government and culture, its continuity and legacy as an outpost , at least in perception still stands and you the ability to change that really rests on the areas capacity to change that given whatever socio-economic circumstances you find yourself in. You can say the area was swindled and never allowed to grow, but what exactly do you want Labrador to be if its needs were met. Aesthetically do you want to keep the nature of “the big land” as it is known or will the Shangri-la Labrador be one in which Starbucks and strip malls line the streets of Goose Bay.

    I mean this isn't California real estate we're talking about here.

    There’s always going to be resentment when power is at a distance from the people it serves. That goes back to the days of Attica. The system is malleable but it doesn’t necessarily imply malice when it does not work in the favor of a particular person. As an individual our mobility allows us to make whatever zoo we exist on irrelevant. Our mobility as individuals is able to give us perspective and allows us to find peace. To reject this out of outright resentment is an afront against worldliness

  24. Population density has everything to do with it, if you have a place of business

    What does this have to do with anything? I am well aware of the importance of population density in business, but the discussion was about infrastructure.

    How does the population density of Labrador make it somehow less deserving of or less able to be provided with that infrastructure?

    Take a Costco in St. John's,

    How is Costco analogous to infrastructure?

    As for backwoods , well Labrador is a hinterland


    and that may be the pot calling the kettle black but it exemplifies the same petulance and sense of entitlement that many other denizens seem to exemplify,

    Hi, D.W. (Seriously, Myles: get rid of anonymous posting.)

    "Hinterland" is all relative. Your same argument could have been used against Newfoundland when it was seeking money to build highways across that island.

    Maybe it should have been. Then you'd understand what we're up against from your corner.

    it's just as asinine and seems exacerbated by the fact that yes, you are dealing with a sparse population of 30,000 (sorry about the slip up in stats)and it makes a slim proportion of the entity

    What is the relevance?

    Labrador's share of the provincial population is three, going on four times the province's share of the national population.

    If your argument is valid to deny Labrador a proper share of public spending and infrastructure, then the rest of Canada would be three, going on four times as justified in making the same argument back at Danny Williams, and any Newfoundland government of the day, every time they go looking for federal funding to bail them out of their own jurisdictional responsibility.

    it exists irregardless of it's output of resources, it's not a major population center and it's not the center of government and culture, its continuity and legacy as an outpost , at least in perception still stands

    Not for lack of trying. What have Newfoundlanders done lately to overcome that?

    and you the ability to change that really rests on the areas capacity to change that given whatever socio-economic circumstances you find yourself in.

    I have no idea what that means.

    You can say the area was swindled and never allowed to grow, but what exactly do you want Labrador to be if its needs were met. Aesthetically do you want to keep the nature of “the big land” as it is known or will the Shangri-la Labrador be one in which Starbucks and strip malls line the streets of Goose Bay.

    There are already enough strip malls there! Goose Bay needs to give itself a centre, not more sprawl!

    I mean this isn't California real estate we're talking about here.

    Where is "here"? Your statement applies equally not just to Labrador, not just to this province, but to most of Canada, indeed, most of the continent outside California!

  25. What, we, as Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, should be doing is fighting for infrastructure for both parts of our province Labrador and Newfoundland. We should not be divided. I am confused with the Anon who posted on December 21, 2006 12:45 AM and you, also, WJM. Though, WJM, you did make a great argument in your last thread for Labrador, although on many other of your threads to Myles blogs, when posters have stood up for Labrador's resources to be developed for Labrador's benefit, instead of for Quebec and Ontario, and, of course with that argument for the resulting infrastructure that would occur to Labrador for being the beneficiary of its resources, I have noticed WJM that you have always come up with arguments that confuse me. Then, you always seem to argue for Quebec, Ontario and other parts of Canada. It seems like you talk from both sides of your mouth WJM. When people post to this blog with positive arguments for Labrador and Newfoundland's resources to be developed here for the whole province's benefit, why do you not agree then WJM? When we are divided that is when we falter. With arguments such as yours, we will never get to be the primary beneficiary of our resources, and the resulting wonderful economies that would result from being the primary beneficiary.

  26. Yeah!! let's start debating with elementary school children!! There's progress for you.

    What a hick province this is.

  27. The Anon of December 29, 2006 12:59 PM is, no doubt, an extreme Ottawite. I guess they are on the move again against Newfoundlanders and Labradorians speaking out and thus trying to get ahead. Tsk, Tsk!

  28. ^^ Pedestrian rubuttle #24598

  29. Anon Who said "Pedestrian rebuttle", you have very little to offer, other than hate, or is it your brain is too small to understand what has gone on with Newfoundland and Labrador's resources that have kept us economically poor, solely because of the way the Centralist Government in Ottawa structured matters in the past.

    Also Anon if you cannot attempt to make more sense than you have previously made in your threads, please do not bother to thread at all. You are incoherent.

    I do have questions though for the politicians from Newfoundland and Labrador's past who were around during that era. Were you all asleep? Could you not have foretold what would happen when matters were forumulated to serve the central part of the country? Were they also braindead? Also there will be no excuse for our present and future politicians if they do not decide to change the structure. They will have to share as much blame as the politicians from the past. I recommend our present politicians get the ball rolling to have the structure changed or there will be no future for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to stay in the place they love. Immediate attention is required to the problem.

    Also Anon if you cannot make your threads more discernable, please do not post at all. I am guessing at what you said. I hope I am right. It is very hard to read the writings of aliens who write with very few words. And don't read me wrong, I don't mind the Anon title. It is quite o.k.

  30. 'Yes' a great question. Who were the Newfoundland and Labrador politicians that were in power when this transition took place, from when Canada was a fairer country to being transformed into a Centralist country with centralist economies consisting of an enormous manufacturing base and an enormous information technology base? The question does need to be answered, and if the politicians are still active, they are the ones who can set us straight on the answer. Why would the politicians from Newfoundland and Labrador allow such a lopsided country to occur? Why, when everyone knew of the resources of Newfoundland and Labrador, would the politicians allow the resources to be siphoned off to go to other parts of Canada and the world for economies to be constructed elsewhere and no economies to be constructed in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and besides we had to accept the wrath of the people who benefited? They got to be the beneficiary of our resources and then lambasted us for being 'bums' and we were NOT bums at all, we were connived out of our resources. It baffles me. Did we have corrupt politicians or did we have the most inept politicians in the country? All these questions need to be answered.

  31. When are we going to try and wrestle some power back into our court from Ottawa, and put it back into the political system of Newfoundland and Labrador? We need some power to stand up to Ottawa and say put some high paying Federal jobs back into Newfoundland and Labrador, give us a Military base, give us the same deal on our resources that Alberta has, advise Air Canada to put back the flight we had to Europe on a daily basis, the flight that now has been diverted directly to Halifax causing the travellers from and to this province from Europe great hardships. We need some politicians with backbones who will stand up to the tyranny of Ottawa as it applies to this province.

  32. What, we, as Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, should be doing is fighting for infrastructure for both parts of our province Labrador and Newfoundland.

    Then why are nationalist Newfoundlanders allowing their hero Danny Williams to get away with passing the buck to the federal government for any infrastructure investment in Labrador?

    Why is the province's supposed "committment" to Labrador contingent on getting the federal government to pay the freight?

    Is Labrador not part of the province? Does Labrador not contribute to the provincial treasury?

    when posters have stood up for Labrador's resources to be developed for Labrador's benefit, instead of for Quebec and Ontario,

    Which posters have done that? Where and when?

    and, of course with that argument for the resulting infrastructure that would occur to Labrador for being the beneficiary of its resources,

    That infrastructure should not have to wait to be the result of resource extraction. That's blackmailing Labrador, ransoming Labrador resources for the investment that the province should be making anyway.

    I have noticed WJM that you have always come up with arguments that confuse me.

    That's not my fault.

    Then, you always seem to argue for Quebec, Ontario and other parts of Canada.

    Care to provide some examples of this? Thanks!

    It seems like you talk from both sides of your mouth WJM. When people post to this blog with positive arguments for Labrador and Newfoundland's resources to be developed here for the whole province's benefit,

    It's all one province, so if Labrador's resources are developed in Labrador for Labrador's benefit, the whole province benefits, doesn't it?

    I don't see a great deal of Hibernia or White Rose money flowing down the roads in Labrador.

    When we are divided that is when we falter.

    And when Newfoundlanders treat Labrador like their colony, that is when we are divided. How hard is it to understand that?

    With arguments such as yours, we will never get to be the primary beneficiary of our resources,

    Who is "we"? You are starting to sound like Danny "We" Williams.

    If Labrador is the beneficiary of Labrador resources, isn't that good for the province, even if Newfoundland gets nothing directly out of it? All one province, isn't it?

    and the resulting wonderful economies that would result from being the primary beneficiary.

    What does "primary beneficiary" mean?

  33. They got to be the beneficiary of our resources and then lambasted us for being 'bums' and we were NOT bums at all, we were connived out of our resources.

    Which resources were "we" "connived" out of?

  34. We need some power to stand up to Ottawa and say put some high paying Federal jobs back into Newfoundland and Labrador,

    Newfoundland and Labrador has a larger share of federal jobs than of the federal population. Seriously.

    give us a Military base,

    You say that as if there are none.

    give us the same deal on our resources that Alberta has,

    What "deal" would that be?

    If NL resources were treated the same as Alberta's, then for the first 30 years of Confederation, natural resources in the province would have been under federal, not provincial jurisdiction. And provincial oil royalties would result in a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the province's equalization entitlement, JUST AS THEY DO IN ALBERTA!!!

    advise Air Canada to put back the flight we had to Europe on a daily basis,

    Why should the federal government intervene in the operations of a private company? Why can't some great Newfoundland entrepreneur fill this gap, if there is such a demand for it?

    the flight that now has been diverted directly to Halifax causing the travellers from and to this province from Europe great hardships.

    Funny... I don't ever recall having seen one word of complaint from Newfoundlanders during all those years in which, to fly from Labrador to anywhere else in Canada, you first had to "divert directly" to St. John's or Deer Lake before resuming your westward trajectory.

    Why was that, I wonder?

    We need some politicians with backbones who will stand up to the tyranny of Ottawa as it applies to this province.

    What "tyranny" is that? I'd really like to know more about what you think the federal government should do about Air Canada's flight schedule.

    Should it also intervene in Air Labrador's or PAL's?

    Why or why not?

    And Myles, seriously: prohibit anonymous postings. Thanks!

  35. So where were the "Stars"?????

  36. Patriot I'm sorry to see that your blog has been infected by a computer virus that has been programmed by Ottawa. Are there any anti-virus programs available, I wonder, to sanitize your site?


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