Thursday, March 29, 2007

Welcome to Stephen Harper's Canada

Many people have speculated on who the real Stephen Harper might be.

With the latest happenings in Ottawa and the new relationship between Canada and George Bush's America it looks like Harper has finally revealed his true inner self.

A parasitic blood sucking Republican who is more than happy to connive, slash and destroy anything or anyone who stands in the way of his agenda.

Welcome to the new and improved Conservative Canada!!!


  1. The VOCM question of the day:

    Do you support the ad campaign directed against Stephen Harper?

    The results:

    Yes - 90%
    No - 8%
    Undecided 2%

    I don't see any Conservatives getting elected in this province next time around.

  2. patriot, you're an idiot.

  3. Why Danny's campaign will fail:

    John F. Kennedy said: "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."

    I say to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians: "Ask not what we can do for our country, because we have done enough. Let's ask our country what they can do for us."
    Danny Williams, April 7, 2001

    For a quarter of a million bucks, you'd think Danny Williams could do more with his print ads than a bunch of text on a crappy layout.

    You'd think there'd be more than the obvious, namely that the federal Conservatives didn't do exactly what they promised on Equalization.

    Inquiring minds, or even the ones who haven't already written Williams off as nothing more than a guy needing to have his political bile ducts surgically removed, would wonder how exactly Harper's decision has damaged Danny Williams and the province he leads.

    Those who lost money in the income trust decision can point to their lost income.

    They have numbers.

    Hard facts.

    Incontrovertible evidence of harm.

    If Danny Williams had such evidence, he'd have used it. That he can only talk in vague terms - as he is wont to do on just about everything - suggests that he has no evidence.

    That lack of evidence undermines the credibility of his argument.

    Williams undermines his own argument further by making the statement that Newfoundland and Labrador does not need the federal government and its cash. If that's the case, then there is no need for Williams to be in High Dudgeon yet again. If the economy was relentlessly growing, then he'd be calmly getting on with the business of developing the provincial economy into the powerhouse it could be.

    Logic is not Danny Williams long suit, evidently.

    For everyone other than the faithful disciples of the Williams Church of Victimology, there are facts. Those facts find their way into articles like the latest John Ivison column in the National Post. The Globe did the same thing with its editorial last Saturday. Those facts make it plain that Williams' argument will have no traction where he would need it, namely among the crowd on the mainland.

    For Williams' latest tantrum to have any political impact, he would need to do more than threaten to turn the seven Newfoundland and Labrador federal seats to a party other than the Conservatives. Williams simply has no political influence outside his own province. In fact, few provincial premiers from this place ever have. What Manitoban or British Columbian ever felt moved by the antics of a Brian Tobin or Brian Peckford or Frank Moores?

    The only Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to make a political impact outside his own province was Clyde Wells. That impact, during the Meech Lake constitutional fracas was built around a national Canadian argument. Wells' arguments against creating a special status for one province and in favour of meaningful reform like a triple-E senate applied as much to Ontarians, Albertans and Quebeckers as they did to the people in Goose Bay or Pasadena.

    It should be remembered that Wells did not stay in a perpetual condition of irk. On other issues, such as economic development, social welfare reform, or fiscal responsibility, Wells could sometimes agree with the federal government. In some instances he disagreed with a federal policy, but while he could argue forcefully and passionately, Wells never did he resort to the sort of foot-stomping that is Williams' one trick. He persuaded - or attempted to persuade - with reason.

    Compare that to where Danny Williams sits today and one can easily see another reason why his latest tirade will fall on deaf ears across Canada and increasingly at home.

    Three years into his first administration, Danny Williams can only talk of plans. Rather than encouraging new economic opportunities - as with Hibernia - Canadians from Cape Spear to the farthest tip of Vancouver Island can see Danny Williams turn away $14 billion in provincial government revenue from oil development for only the vaguest, and one suspects insubstantial, of reasons. Rather than fair and equitable treatment, Williams speaks of getting the most for his province, and implicitly, giving not even a tinker's damn about the rest of the country.

    Ultimately, politics is about persuasion. Persuasive arguments are internally consistent, factually based and reasonably - even if passionately - delivered. Danny Williams' argument on Equalization has none of those qualities.

    Well, an effect beyond strengthening the cash flow of a few newspapers and an advertising agency and getting rid of some surplus cash near the end of the fiscal year.

  4. The above post was form the Robert Bond Papers and very well written. Take a lesson Patriot.

  5. It's worthy to note also that the post by Bond papers was written by a NEWFOUNDLANDER!

    There are many, many of us NL'ers who are sick of William's tantrums and want to work with Canada.

  6. to the last anon:

    You say no NL premier has ever had any clout in Canada and the few seats here don't matter (I'm paraphrasing). I won't argue with you in fact I agree. That's why this country does not work for small provinces like NL and why we need to get the hell out and finally have a chance to succeeed.

    You also said Williams will have no impact with this. Wrong my friend. Already we are seeing the premier of NS willing to become more vocal, the House of Commons is in an uproar over it and insiders in the Conservative party say it has caused a lot of infighting in that party.

    That's the kind of "NO IMPACT" I like.

  7. Pleae give me a break. You are quoting the Bond Papers now? Great unbiased source idiot.

  8. 90% of respondents to the VOCM poll support the ad campaign.

    A magazine poll in BC asked if British Columbia got shafted in the federal budget?

    YES - 93%

    NO - 7%

    Saskatchewan premier pissed as hell with the budget.

    Nova Scotia Premier talking about taking the government of Canada to court over it.

    All that doesn't matter I guess because as long as fair minded and non-partisan writers for papers like the National Post and Globe and Mail say its a fair budget it must be so. Never mind that both papers are centered in Otario which just happend to recieve billions extra thanks to this back stabbing.

  9. Say it like it is. I guess the anons writing in just like to trash NL because, as always, we make an easy target.

    Apparently we are way off base on this because every other province in Canada simply love the budget so much.

  10. LOL!!

    You're using a VOCM poll??

    *Laughing my Arse off*

    Did you make sure every Bayman voted 3 times?? Hahahahaha

  11. I'd hardly call it an "uproar" in the House of Commons.
    One idiot from NL got kicked great loss there. You sure can tell an election is coming.

  12. Anon of March 29 at 1:45 obviously doesn't spend any time watching the activities of the House of Commons but instead must rely on CTV news for his information.

    Yes, one MP did get kicked out for calling the PM a liar.

    In addition to that:

    Another MP from NL, one from Nova Scotia, the leader of the NDP and the leader of the Liberal party stood in turn to attack Harper over this issue. For a long period the noise and yelling inside the house was so high the speaker had to call for order many times.

    Get your facts straight. There was inded an "uproar" even if your central canadian controlled news didn't report on it.

  13. Where did Clyde Wells get us with Ottawa with the tatics he used? I will say "Nowhere" but that he even racheted us down further with regards to equality in Canada. His tactics put the Atlantic Accord on ice for about 15 years.

  14. The only news that focused on it was in NL you are right. Because NO ELSE CARES!!!

    Get it through your thick, fishy-smelling heads!!

  15. "MR Patriot"

    I must say ,Sir, that you have either struct a nerve with some people ,or the "Popularity" of your Blog has risen drasitcally.Either way i believe that congradualtions are in order.
    OH ,and the "Robert Bond Papers" as an example.HA,HA,HA,maybe the gentlemen can use some of his "Human Relations Management Skills ,to get back some of the "Billions" of Dollar's that the Federal Governement has allowed the Province of Quebec to steal from the people of Labrador.
    C'mon folk's,while we sit here debating ,our "Fellow Canadain's" are getting fat off of our natural resource's ,stay focused for the love of %$#.

    Anonymous said...

    Say it like it is. I guess the anons writing in just like to trash NL because, as always, we make an easy target.

    Apparently we are way off base on this because every other province in Canada simply love the budget so much.

    March 29, 2007 1:38 PM

    Just shows bud that canada is not worth staying in.

    As Always,Lost-In-Exile

  16. I see that some nincompoop decided to quote from the (non-partisan) "Toilet Papers" blog,
    very amusing!

  17. ANON of March 29, 2007 1:20 PM WHO SAID

    QUOTE The only Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to make a political impact outside his own province was Clyde Wells. That impact, during the Meech Lake constitutional fracas was built around a national Canadian argument. Wells' arguments against creating a special status for one province and in favour of meaningful reform like a triple-E senate applied as much to Ontarians, Albertans and Quebeckers as they did to the people in Goose Bay or Pasadena.UNQUOTE



  18. Posting stuff from the Bond Papers! My God, what next, reprints from the Globe or the National Toast?

    Excellent posts this week Mr. Higgins keep it up.

  19. Oh my aren't we clever with words.

  20. Anon of March 29, 2007 1:20 PM who said "The only Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador to make a political impact outside his own province was Clyde Wells. That impact, during the Meech Lake constitutional fracas was built around a national Canadian argument. Wells' arguments against creating a special status for one province and in favour of meaningful reform like a triple-E senate applied as much to Ontarians, Albertans and Quebeckers as they did to the people in Goose Bay or Pasadena".



  21. Well ,can I say that Brian Peckford had in-sight.But,canada would say that he had an ego problem with "Mega" project's.

  22. His tactics put the Atlantic Accord on ice for about 15 years.



    A fair parent will always treat its sibling equitably, but there are some parents who are not fair, and this is where Newfoundland and Labrador's story begins. Newfoundland and Labrador brought a vast number of resources to Canada and passed them over, either to Ottawa or to the siblings, and as a result those siblings built economies on the back of Newfoundland and Labrador's resources. When the parent Ottawa had lurcrative Federal Regional Offices and Military bases to be meted out to be strategically placed around the country of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador was always the sibling which was overlooked. I hope you get the picture here, Newfoundland and Labrador gave its resources away, it got overlooked with Federal largesse and as a result it became the runt of the litter with very little infrastructure and very little economies.

    Now for the sibling, Newfoundaland and Labrador, to protest against the ill-treatment of Mother/Ottawa is impossible. There is no court which Newfoundland and Labrador can have its case heard, only the Parliament of Canada. With Newfoundland and Labrador owning just 7 Members out of a 308 Member Parliament that system is impossible to get its problems across and if it could, it would get nowhere because all the siblings are enjoying what rightfully belongs to Newfoundland and Labrador and they don't want to share anything that Mother Ottawa decides to hand out.

    Now tell me what other avenue does Newfoundland and Labrador have to air the inequalities created in this province by Ottawa, other than to take down the flag or to take out advertisments in the National Newspapers.

    If you are going to answer this post, please do so by giving me the avenues that were opened to Newfoundland and Labrador, other than the avenues that it has resorted to.

  24. Just wondering if anybody has had an opportunity to hear Craig westcott's luncheon address for NOIA, or read a transcript of this address? All I can say is "food for thought"!

  25. "NO" I haven't read, but "YES" I have heard transcripts of the luncheon address. I would say the words are traitorous.

    I do not know why people with such power, the power of the pen, cannot work on behalf of his/her people. It is as plain as the nose on ones face how the province of Newfoundland adn Labrador has been treated in Canada. Just look at the differential of Federal Regional Offices, Military Bases and everything else that have created thousand of high paying jobs in the other 9 provinces, and those infrastructures are can be plainly seen, and compare it to what you will find in Newfoundland and Labrador. One does not need many brain cells to see the picture quite clearly.

    When a person takes such a stand on something as plain as this, it only makes the person to look stupid or that the person doesn't mind taking a corrupt stance. For what is the million dollar question? But we do know there are plums dangling at the end of the stick by both the Federal Government and Big Oil Corporations for anyone who wishes to pull for these two entities when things are not going their way in a certain region. Is it the plums that such people are yearning for?

  26. I have heard there are paid lobbyists out there working on behalf of the Federal Government and the Oil Corporations whose sole jobs is to peruse newspapers and blogs, and who listen to Talk Show Radio. These paid employees counteract eveything that the Federal Government and Big Oil/Business don't like and want a differnt spin put on. If this is true it undermines everything in Newfoundland and Labrador and is very below board? How can we get ahead with such a system operating in our province?

  27. Westcott is just pissed off he's not getting any of that ad money for his new Business Post rag.

    He was preaching to the "injured" and "impoverished" converted adherents of the oil industry based in Nl.

    Westcott's piece draws its support from Oil consultants, former members of Liberal regimes and some " former " members of the Press who now are " consultants " but who when they were active in the media were occasionally mediochre at best. What's even more touching is there intent to shield Westcott from hurt feelings by screening the comments section of their blogs.

    It would be most interesting to see where some of these bloggers get their money from nowadays.

    These guys spend their days stroking each others egos with cross referencing blogs to each other.

    Westcott would have been more effective to slag his audience of advertisers for their mousey response to this tyranical government as he calls it. Now that would have been a brave publisher. Instead he chose to pander to them. Great ad revenues this month I bet.

    Nice picture of Harper on this post. So that's what a political betrayer of promises looks like in pictures eh!!

  28. People on this blog liek to throw around words "traitor" and "traitorous".

    Apparently anyone who doesn't agree with Williams or the seal hunt is a traitor in Newfoundland.

    Welcome to the new Dictatorship of Newfoundland and Labrador "Folks"!

  29. Artfull dodger said....

    I personally find it troubling when people label those with a different point of view as traitors. I think it is healthy to air different perspectives, and by that I do not mean getting on a blog and spouting off "all newfies are this" or all "mainlanders are that".

    The way I see it, when you are unable to rationally respond to a point without insulting others, your point renders itself as useless.

    There are a few posters on this blog who seem to feel it is perfectly fine to insult all from this province in one form or other. We have all witnessed/read the one liners (slurs) by anonymous posters, they add nothing to the debate, they are merely hatefull remarks. On the flip side, naming a poster "traitor" for not agreeing with the premier on all issues pertaining to this province is not very usefull. For example, I don't agree with all that Gerry Reid says, but I don't consider him a traitor, I just personally beleive he is not an effective leader for the liberals, or even a future leader for the province, based on his behaviour to this point in time.

    Having said all that, I have read the transcript of the speech by Craig westcott. I have to ask myself if there is a kernel of truth to what he said? Are portions of what he said true? I don't truely know, but we have a responsibility to question our elected officials! Does that make me a traitor?


    Artfull Dodger

  30. The last time the word "traitorous" was used in this blog, it was used in the context that the words the person wrote were traitorous, not the person. Maybe you will want to reread.

  31. Anonymous said...

    It's worthy to note also that the post by Bond papers was written by a NEWFOUNDLANDER!

    There are many, many of us NL'ers who are sick of William's tantrums and want to work with Canada.

    March 29, 2007 1:25 PM

    Can you please show us an example of "ALL THEASE NEWFOUNDLANDER AND LABRADORIANS ,PLEASE"

    A URL or a link to a web page showing us this information should be enough,Thank-You!!!

  32. The problem is Canada doesn't seem to want to work with Newfoundland and Labrador. If it did why didn't Canada assist Newfoundland and Labrador in getting a power corridor across Quebec to yield its power to market, and as a result Quebec is the beneficiary of $1 billion dollars worth of hydro electricity energy each year, which Quebec yields to markets? Why would Canada not have given Newfoundland and Labrador shared Custodial Management of the Fish resource? Why wouldn't Canada have seen to it that the Minerals that get mined out of the ground in this province were also refined here instead of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba? Why wouldn't Ottawa have place some of the Federal Regionals Officers and Military bases here? Why wouldn't Ottawa have seen to it that we would have had an equity into our Oil Resource?

    With all those injustices I just recounted why didn't Ottawa see to it that our non-renewable resources were excluded from the equilization formulas, when it told us it would, since Newfoundland and Labrador's resources were being utilized for economies in other provinces of Canada. And Ottawa itself was benefiting from Newfoundland and Labrador's Fish and Oil resource.

    Premier Danny Williams wasn't always in power, matter of fact he has been in power for only 3 years. Seventy Five per cent of the time the Liberals were running the show. So why didn't Ottawa/Canada see to it that the Federal/Provincial Affairs were in order long before this, no different than with the other provinces?

    This cannot be blamed on Premier Danny Williams, other Newfoundland and Labrador Premiers had tried to have good relations as well, but no changes ever got implemented.

  33. Was this a deliberate attempt by Ottawa to empty Newfoundland and Labrador of its people and have Canada start at Nova Scotia? Then Newfoundland and Labrador's resources would be free for the taking, with no friction at all.

  34. Why would Canada not have given Newfoundland and Labrador shared Custodial Management of the Fish resource?

    Harper called Danny's bluff on that, real good.

    Harper offered it.

    After years of demanding it, Danny won't take him up on the offer.

    Why not?

    Why wouldn't Canada have seen to it that the Minerals that get mined out of the ground in this province were also refined here instead of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba?

    Ottawa has no jurisdiction to do that. This is hard for Newfoundland nationalists to wrap their heads around, I know, but mines and minerals are under PROVINCIAL jurisdiction.

    Why wouldn't Ottawa have place some of the Federal Regionals Officers and Military bases here?

    There are. Marine Atlantic is headquartered "here"; there are three bases "here".

    Why wouldn't Ottawa have seen to it that we would have had an equity into our Oil Resource?

    Do you know what equity is?

    Hint: Equity is not something someone else "sees to" for you; equity is something you BUY.

    And Ottawa itself was benefiting from Newfoundland and Labrador's Fish and Oil resource.

    How so? And how so more than any resource in any province?

  35. What other opinion can one formulate with the formula that is put in place by Ottawa with its treatment of Newfoundland and Labrador? When Newfoundland and Labrador possesses so many natural resources, and Newfoundland and Labrador receives so little of the Canadian largesse, such as Federal Regional Offices, Military bases, monies to prop up Canadian Corporation, Research and Development monies, etc., that get handed out to the other provinces by Ottawa, what else can one think? After all Newfoundland and Labrador is one of the bookend provinces of the country of Canada, shouldn't Newfoundland and Labrador have some of these Federal Regional Offices, Military bases and other goodies that Ottawa gives out to the other provinces to keep them happy, that sees billions of dollars go into the economies of those provinces? Also what is going on in Ottawa's mind, when Canada stops its border at Nova Scotia to the West of Newfoundland and Labrador, a province with far less resources and far less territory and not as strategic as the bookend province Newfoundland and Labrador? But let me express Canada only stops thinking that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador doesn't matter, only as it relates to reneging on its duty in putting high paying Federal Regional Offices, Military bases, etc. here like it does with the rest of the provinces, but not when it comes to Ottawa and the provinces taking resources out of here, it is a different scenario. Newfoundland and Labrador is very important when it comes to its resources and to it strategic location in time of crisis, like the Second World War, and the 911 crisis on September 11th, 2001 when so many planes touched down here to save the North Ameircan Continent from a further potential crisis.

  36. WJM said...

    Why would Canada not have given Newfoundland and Labrador shared Custodial Management of the Fish resource?

    Harper called Danny's bluff on that, real good.

    Harper offered it.

    After years of demanding it, Danny won't take him up on the offer.

    Why not?

    Can you provide any Links or URL's to such a sight showing us this great offer from canada.I believe that Mr Dionne ,was the first to offer that .

  37. Premier Danny Williams must take Prime Minister Harper up the issue of Custodial Managment of the Fisheries. After all Harper did promise it. There is no industry for Newfoundland and Labrador more important than the fishery, if it is maintained properly, it is an eternal industry, how many industries out there can be called eternal? It is a must Premier Danny, please do not go down in history of having to be saddled with the burden that you were the one to see the fishing industry end in extinction.

  38. Anon of March 31, 2007 9:50 AM not only does the province of Newfoundland and Labrador export all of its resources in the raw state to Canada, it is the only province which allows this to happen to the extent that it does. So the other provinces then not only get to use their rescources and reap the benefits of lively economies from them, they also get all those Federal Regional Offices, Military bases, propped up Corporations, Research and Development monies; and to BOOT, if they have "HAVE NOT" status, they also get equilizaton payments. How can Newfoundland and Labrador ever reach equality under a system so UNFAIR as that one? Equality can never be reached under a system such as that, we are going in divergent directions.

    To sum up: the other provinces do not export their resources to other parts of Canada for processing or in the case of hydroelectricy to be marketed, that process provides the provinces with a part of their economies, they receive all kinds of high paying Federal Regional Offices whose employees are paid high salaries by the Federal Government, they have Corporations propped up with largesse from the Federal Government, they receive Research and Development monies from Ottawa and they get equilization monies as well. Please explain how Newfoundland and Labrador can ever reach parity or equality with that system? Out-migration and poverty are the names of the game for Newfoundland and Labrador under such a system.

  39. Can you provide any Links or URL's to such a sight showing us this great offer from canada.


  40. Nice picture Patriot.............I saw one just like it with Premier Williams face on it.

    I LOVES Steven Harper!!

    Go Stevie Go!!

  41. WJM please look up the URLs yourself, everything is there for the looking?

    If one is in tune with one's environment and the political goings on or hand outs, one doesn't need to have URLs anyway, but since you are not apprised of what has gone on, all you have to do is go to the archives of the Federal Government or the Government sites on the Internet and you will find what you are looking for

    But if you are so inclined to know what Federal Regional Offices, Military bases are operating where, all you have to do is go to the internet and goggle the Nova Scotia Government site, New Brunswick Government site or British Columbia site, or whatever provincial government site you wish to go to, and you will find out for yourself where Federal Regional Offices, Military Bases and anything else the Federal Government funds have been located. Another great vehicle to look in is the annual Federal Government Budget document, all these are archived on the Internet and if you request, I think you might be able to obtain a hardcopy. The Feds spendings to provinces are included in the Budgets, so if you want to know what was spent in any given year, please WJM go to the Budget and you will find out what was doled out to whom.

    As for the monies that have been doled out over the years to provinces for World Fairs, Expositions, Olympics, Museums, etc., etc., that also can be found on government sites. I happen to do a little accounting of my own from time to time and keep a record of when certain Federal monies were administered and I have seen the unfairness of what Newfoundland and Labrador has been the beneficiary of compared to the other provinces. Then there are the monies that get doled out for Research and Development, also billions have been doled out to prop up Canadian Corporations for the down time in between getting contracts.

    To sum up what you should have been doing over the years is take notice of the sums doled out by the Federal Government and to whom. Obviously WJM either you are pretending to be an unaware person or you are not in tune with your economic political environment. Because if you were in tune you would know the difference in what the province of Newfoundland and Labrador received from the Federal Government and what the other provinces received has been astronomical.

    WJM you will need to do a little more listening to Business TV, spend a little more time perusing the Business Section of the Newspapers and be a little more in tune at Budget time to what is going on around you with regard to what your employer, the Federal Government doles out to provinces. Matter of fact you need to be tuned in at all times because the Feds dole out money for different reasons at different times. And yes, you also need to know what resources each province possesses and who gets the right to process the resources. In Newfoundland and Labrador's case, very little of its resources get processed here. WHY I ask? You also need to know which provinces don’t export their resources for processing elsewhere. Also you need to know what provinces are on the receiving end of equilization payments. All these factors will add up to who is doing better. WJM - Hopefully you can figure out the accounting from all the sources that I have quoted. And please take the time to look for those URLs on your own time. I am not doing it for you

  42. OH Boy ,she's gett'in warm "B'ye"!!!

    Patriot ,thank you ,Sir , for the great PIC of the "great Stven Barper."

    It's so good Im using it on the wall with my dart board,thank -you .

  43. And yes, you also need to know what resources each province possesses and who gets the right to process the resources.

    Whoever the province allocates that right to.

    In Newfoundland and Labrador's case, very little of its resources get processed here. WHY I ask?

    Ask the only one with jurisdiction over most of its resources: the provincial government.

    You also need to know which provinces don’t export their resources for processing elsewhere.

    It's a very short list: none of them.

    Also you need to know what provinces are on the receiving end of equilization payments.

    All of them except Ontario and Alberta, and, in some years, SK and BC.

    The ignorance of some people with regards to our Province, NL. For one, they probably have not even been here before, and for us to be known as "stupid" or "fishy" is plain ignorance. My guess is that these people are probabaly not educated enough to know the intelligence and ability of our province. Maybe in the past we have had resources with nobody to protect them, but finally Danny Williams speaks up for us. I see nothin wrong with that. Its about time someone has the balls to speak what we are all thinking and have no fear of the federal government.
    Danny Williams deserves the respect of us Newfoundlanders and Labradorians because he actually has the guts to fight for somethings that should have been fought for long before! We have just as much right as someone in Alberta to live in a province that is treated fairly. However, we are obviosly not, therefore I hope Danny does not stop what he is doing!!
    Anyone who disagrees obviously are very uneducated or has never been to our province.
    Check us out, we are human beings too with a right to voice our opinion and a right to be treated just as fairly as any other province in Canada!!!!!

  45. Danny Williams standing up for Newfoundlanders? Hate to break it to you but he isn't. Danny has obviously studied at the Ralph Klein/Peter Lougheed school of provincial/federal politics. For years Ralph (and Peter) convinced Albertans that those damn federal liberals were the enemy and it worked! As long as people's anger was focused on the liberals ,Ralph was able to get away with being a mediocre leader (which he was). Danny now has his "enemy", and he's managed to convince Newfoundlanders & Labradorians. As long as they "hate" Steve & the Conservatives, they won't ask the hard questions, like "how come our unemployment rate is still so high? how come so many educated young people are still leaving home? how come our debt isn't being payed down? How come our taxes are so high? How come major oil companies are moving their rigs to other countries instead of drilling offshore in our province? Danny's got everyone duped and he'll get away with it just like Ralph did. Heck even Calgary's mayor (Bronconnier) is doing it - he's trying to convince Calgarians that new premier Stelmach is the enemy - that way they won't remember what a pathetic mayor he's been. Danny's smart alright, he's convinced the majority of thousands of people that he's a good leader when he isn't.


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