Executive Council
March 20, 2007
Premier Williams says "A Promise Made is Not a Promise Kept "for Newfoundland and Labrador
The following are quotations from Prime Minister Stephen Harper (then-opposition leader) in the House of Commons during a debate on November 4, 2004 (over the Atlantic Accord):
"This is a commitment that was made by me in my capacity as leader of the Canadian Alliance when I first arrived here and has its origins in the intentions of the Atlantic accord signed by former Prime Minister Mulroney in the mid-1980s. These are longstanding commitments, our commitment to 100% of non-renewable resource royalties. It was our commitment during the election, before the election, and it remains our commitment today."
"The eight year time limit and the Ontario clause effectively gutted the commitment made to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador during the election campaign. Why should Newfoundland's possibility of achieving levels of prosperity comparable to the rest of Canada be limited to an artificial eight year period? Remember in particular that these are in any case non-renewable resources that will run out. Why is the government so eager to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador always remain below the economic level of Ontario?"
"The Ontario clause is unfair and insulting to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, and its message to that province, to Nova Scotia and to all of Atlantic Canada is absolutely clear. They can only get what they were promised if they agree to remain have not provinces forever. That is absolutely unacceptable."
"What is at stake is the future of Atlantic Canada, an unprecedented and historic opportunity for those provinces to get out of the have not status that has bedevilled them for decades. What is at issue is very simple. It is the honour of the Prime Minister (Paul Martin), and all he has to do is keep his word."
The assertion by Prime Minister Stephen Harper yesterday that his election promise has been delivered to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador is fundamentally wrong and misleading and the people of Canada should be wary of any promises made to them by the Harper Government.
The Honourable Danny Williams today reacted to a letter sent to him by Prime Minister Harper yesterday in which the Prime Minister claims to have lived up to his repeated commitment to remove non-renewable resource revenues from the equalization formula.
"The Prime Minister of this country came to our province on repeated occasions when he was the Leader of the Opposition and he made a promise," said Premier Williams. "The promise did not have caveats or qualifications. It was a principled-based promise that stated that natural resource revenues would be removed from the equalization formula. Stephen Harper came into our province and said essentially here is my promise to you; elect me and my party and we will give you more than what you have now, because it is the right thing to do. Yesterday, Prime Minister Harper told the people of Newfoundland and Labrador and essentially the people of Canada that his promises do not matter. His promises do not count, and they most certainly cannot be relied upon."
One example of the many written commitments can be seen in the Prime Minister’s letter to Premier Williams during the last federal election - http://www.gov.nl.ca/releases/2006/exec/0116n03.htm.
"A promise made is not a promise kept. I find it offensive and unbelievable that we are now being criticized by the federal government and others for simply asking the Prime Minister to live up to his commitment. Not partially, or with trap doors and caveats, but to truly live up to his commitment. If he does not live up to this clear election promise, then every Canadian should think long and hard about any promise made to them."
Premier Williams said the options outlined in the federal budget yesterday whereby provinces can choose the manner in which equalization is applied to their province, is an intricate game of smoke and mirrors, including a fiscal capacity cap which nullifies the Prime Minister’s commitment to remove non-renewable resources.
"While the federal government gives the illusion of allowing provinces to opt for a 100 per cent exclusion of natural resource revenue-based formula, they shrewdly immediately apply a fiscal capacity cap on that formula," added Premier Williams. "This negates the benefits of using the 100 per cent removal formula. It is terribly misleading and disingenuous, and I am quite frankly appalled that the Prime Minister and his government would betray the voters in this way."
Premier Williams said back when his government was negotiating with the previous Liberal government for the new Atlantic Accord, Stephen Harper vehemently opposed such a fiscal capacity cap.
"The absolute about face of Stephen Harper is nothing short of betrayal. It also flies in the face of what he fought for before the people of this country elected him as their Prime Minister," said the Premier.
Premier Williams acknowledged that for this year, the province is not worse off and Atlantic Accord benefits are not being eroded. But status quo was not what the Prime Minister promised, and long-term that seriously erodes the Prime Minister’s promise.
"There has been a breach of trust here, whereby we see our province being seriously disadvantaged. Other provinces that were promised nothing are getting tremendous benefits from this federal budget and the new changes to equalization. And we applaud them and congratulate them on this. However, our province and others to whom promises were made are left high and dry, yet we look unreasonable because we are asking for a promise to be kept? It is a very sad day for this federation."
Media contact:Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
709-729-3960, 351-1227
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis Anon wants to ask the question why would Prime Minister Harper make such a statement as he made below and go back on his words. QUOTE Why is the government so eager to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador always remain below the economic level of Ontario?" UNQUOTE
ReplyDelete"The eight year time limit and the Ontario clause effectively gutted the commitment made to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador during the election campaign. Why should Newfoundland's possibility of achieving levels of prosperity comparable to the rest of Canada be limited to an artificial eight year period? Remember in particular that these are in any case non-renewable resources that will run out. Why is the government so eager to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador always remain below the economic level of Ontario?"
"The Ontario clause is unfair and insulting to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, and its message to that province, to Nova Scotia and to all of Atlantic Canada is absolutely clear. They can only get what they were promised if they agree to remain have not provinces forever. That is absolutely unacceptable."
"What is at stake is the future of Atlantic Canada, an unprecedented and historic opportunity for those provinces to get out of the have not status that has bedevilled them for decades. What is at issue is very simple. It is the honour of the Prime Minister (Paul Martin), and all he has to do is keep his word."
The preceding comment was deleted by the editor. It was simply a copy and paste of the original article itself and added no new discussion points.
ReplyDeleteBecause Ontario is vote rich and NL is not. Canadian leaders always pander to Ontario and Quebec voters becuase if you can win an election in those provinces then the rest of the Country means nothing and can go to hell in their books.
ReplyDeleteBig brother is indeed watching. Good. I hope they get an eye full.
ReplyDeleteHere are some of the entries on my site log today (those who popped in for a visit):
parl203.parl.gc.ca – Parliament of Canada - 74 visits
ottgate.dfo-mpo.gc.ca – Department of Fisheries and Oceans - 7 visits
dns.acoa-apeca.gc.ca – Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency - 23 visits
webacc.csc-scc.gc.ca – Corrections Canada - 213 visits
(hopefully the last one is just some interested prisoners and not the feds preparing a bunk for me)
It's interesting to note that behind the incarcerated the next largest volume of visits from a single location came in on the parliamentary server.
Free country my ass!
Artfull Dodger said.....
ReplyDeleteWell, I can only imagine what John Efford would have to say at this time, with regard to Loyola Hearn and his remarks with respect to Efford during the atlantic accord 'to and fro'!
Artfull Dodger
Artfull Dodger said.....
ReplyDeleteWell, I can only imagine what John Efford would have to say at this time, with regard to Loyola Hearn and his remarks with respect to Efford during the atlantic accord 'to and fro'!
Artfull Dodger
Are you people that dense?? THE ATLANTIC ACCORD WAS UNTOUCHED!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are all up in arms because you don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Grow up.
Your premier is a national embarrassment.......he was the first to jump on camera nationally with "reaction".
The rest of the country are alllaughing at you. Can't you see that? Now you want MP's to resign because they support Ottawa and shouldn't becasue they are from NL?? This is politics people. GROW UP.
Am I to assume that Williams has never ever failed to come through on a promise made during an election campaign?? Yeah right.
You people are whacked.
When the ball was in Prime Minister Harper's court to change the structure of which he ask the question of Prime Minister Martin back in 2004, why did he not fix it in yesterday's Budget?
ReplyDeleteAgain, "WHY" Prime Minister Harper did you opt not to fix the problem?
I truly believe we, as Newfoundlanders and Labradorians live in the most corruput country in the world. How can it be any worse? We have to give up so many of our coveted resources, that if those resources were used strictly for Newfoundland and Labrador, combined with our strategic location on the eastern periphery of Canada, we would be a very wealthy country, only to receive a little welfare out of them and then to be told that we are welfare bums, with a culture of dependancy. What a sicko country we live in, with a Prime Minister, who instead has a culture of dependancy himself. That culture of dependancy is that he subjects Newfoundland and Labrador's resources to the whim of the other provinces, so that he can garner votes from those other provinces to stay in power himself. What a corrupt country and what a corrupt bunch of politicians?
QUOTE Why is the government so eager to ensure that Newfoundland and Labrador always remain below the economic level of Ontario?"
"The Ontario clause is unfair and insulting to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador, and its message to that province, to Nova Scotia and to all of Atlantic Canada is absolutely clear. They can only get what they were promised if they agree to remain have not provinces forever. That is absolutely unacceptable." UNQUOTE
Artful - Interesting that you should bring up John Efford. Stay tuned for tomorrow's commentary.
ReplyDeleteAnon of 4:36 PM: Are you that dense that you cannot follow the statements made by the then Hon. Stephen Harper in 2004, who is now Prime Minister Harper,when he stated that Canadians wanted Newfoundland and Labrador to remain below the economic level of Ontario and that it was unfair and insulting to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador to do so?
ReplyDeleteWhy would he have changed his mind on fixing that problem when he told us he would do so and why can't you see through it? We are 50 years behind in infrastructure and economies, than the next worse of province in the federation, despite our resources. Come and see the catching up we have to do here, plus take a note of the resources that come out of this province that are used for developing econonmies for some of other province's of this nation.
How can it be worse??? The very fact that you are allowed to scream your opinions all over the Web shows a free country! Get some perspective before you blab off.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, my friend, it could be a lot worse.
yeah , yeah,yeah....
ReplyDeleteCanada bad.........Newfoundland good.... yada....yada....yada...
To the anon of March 20, 2007 4:59 PM,do you feel that insults on any topic deserve stereotypical naming calling ,and attempt's of belittling.
ReplyDeleteWhy in fact do you not act in a manner that would give you an ounce of crediability.
As a matter of fact ,why not go protest the war in Iraq or aomething.Your closer to America,in ideology and intellegance,then us poor simple folk.And, you practise your true nature so well.Just like Mr.G.Bush.The only differance is that "YOU" support a governemnet that kills it's own people ,were the American's have the "GUTS" to kick you in the N#@% if they feel you deserve it.
But,on a lighter note.To the Individual of March 20, 2007 4:41 PM, yes ,this federation is truely corrupt.What I am having problems accepting is the magnatuide of the corruption that is Ottawa.I truely belived that with the end of the Sponsorship Scandal in Quebec that this would be behind us as canadains.But,I do think that what I am experiencing is a "Stupid" moment.For me to actually believe that thease people are capabile of doing good.This is just another example of why we ,as Newfoundlander's and Labradorian's must finally come together and say "Enough, is Enough, is Enough .What will it take for the sun to finally shine reason onto us as a people.
As Always,Lost-In-Exile
You're too stunned is all.
ReplyDeleteI am a Newfoundlander who thinks the Budget is fine...not great...but fine.
ReplyDeleteAll the terms of the Atlantic Accord have been retained. I see all the people writing here and shouting on the radio but very few know what they are upset about. It seems most people are upset because the Premier is upset.
The very idea of Equalization is EQUALITY and the Federal govt. is right in saying that a province that is receiving transfer payments cannot make more money than a province who is paying. THAT'S NOT FAIR.
So why are you all in such a tailspin?? We are getting a reputation as a province full of imbeciles and whiners.
I can see why today.
I have a serious "I Am Sorry" to convey to my fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
ReplyDeleteWhen the now Prime Minister was campaigning for the Prime Ministership, he said that Atlantic Canadians had a 'Culture of Dependence'. I thought of the statement that sent everyone into a frenzy in Atlantic Canada, and I thought to myself, you know, I think that he has really diagnosed the problems here in this part of the country, especially Newfoundland and Labrador.
We all knew of the top notch resources that we were endowed with in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and we kept asking the question over and over why can't we get ahead? The resources within our province consisted of high quality renewable resources, like Fish and Hydroelectric energy and non-renewable like Oil, Iron Ore, Nickel and different other types of metals, all of the resources which were exported out of here and benefiting other province's economies in a big way, but not ours. After, analyzing what Stephen Harper said, I made the assumption and jumped on the band wagon and said "Yes" it sure sounds like we do have a 'Culture of Dependence", since we allow our resources to be shipped out of Newfoundland and Labrador in the raw state, without the least bit of processing and hence leaving ourselves jobless and without a trace of economies. After all the processing of resources is where the bulk of the jobs are involved. I adhered to that viewpoint right up until this Budget was passed and I was told through the Budget document that the promise made by Prime Minister Harper that would NOT see Newfoundland and Labrador's non-renewable resources included in the formula that would compute the equalization payment for the provinces.
Now that the Prime Minister has gone back on his promise and done an about face and included those resources in the formula and then explained it away by saying the Premiers of the other provinces would not allow him to take them out, well now I know that it doesn't matter one iota about how Newfoundlanders and Labradorians want their resources dealt out. It has all to do with what the other provincial premiers say and nothing at all to do with the fact that Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have sat back and allowed their resources to be sent out of the province without opening their mouths to rebel, and that they were only too willing to accept equalization payments in lieu of the resources. I know that not to be the case with the last resource that went out of here, Voisey's Bay Nickel, since we shouted long and hard on that resource, but Sudbury, Ontario and Thompson, Manitoba were the recipients of that wonderful resource and, of course, both of those cities are where the economies are created from the processing.
I am so sorry I got caught up in the statement made by Stephen Harper and came on side with him, since Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, do not have a "Culture of Dependence', it is vice-versa, the Federal politicians, including, the Prime Minister and the other provinces without resources who are the ones with the 'Culture of Dependence'. The Prime Minister said himself that if he did what the province of Newfoundland and Labrador wanted and went against the other provinces and their premiers, like Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, etc. that have a dependence on this province's resources, well then the Premiers of those provinces would have the Budget voted down. There is no way for a resource-rich province like Newfoundland and Labrador to make it within Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador can only flourish outside of Canada, and like one of our Senators, George Baker said in The Telegram a couple of years ago, Newfoundland and Labrador is a province that would survive outside of Canada. Our land mass is on the Atlantic Ocean shipping lanes, we are a resource rich province and we just have 500,000 people, these factors should bold well for this province.
Also back in 2000 John Ibbotson wrote a very positive article in the Globe and Mail titled "Newfoundland looking out to sea" in which he named islands in the North Atlantic, like the Alands Islands, Faroe Islands and Iceland that have thrived on far less resources than what Newfoundland and Labrador posses. Mr. Ibbotson's article is a must read for everyone.
To the anon dated March 20, 2007 8:46 PM.
ReplyDeleteWOW,what can I say my friend .The truth is so wonderful when you just open your eyes to see it,isn't it.I myself had such a realization .Mine came a little later in life though.Seeing how the evil empire ,is addicated to selling resources to the world ,is absolutley amazing.In this day and age ,do the people think that if we did separate from this empire that they could afford to keep Newfoundland and Labrador under their thumb.I think not.Stop the Oil,turm off the Hydro,and ban all air traffic from out air space.
Thease people will soon learn who was providing the jobs in this so called federation.Only until the dirty laundry of canada is aired to the world will we have returned to us what has been stolen.You can only protect yourself from crimanals with the help of the law.By holding canada accountable thru Intrernational Law will we be safe from it's corruption .
Can you imagine how we could have people come to Labrador ,and finally build a link ,or tunnel thru to Newfoundland.To finally have a trans Labrador Highway.For Labrador to reach its full potiental.To have money so Newfoundland and Labrador could rebuild the fishery that was left in ruin by canada.Money to invest in our childrens future so we could actually give them hope,and not have to send them away when they got older.And ah ,yes, beautiful condo's in Nain ,by the sweet north atlantic coast.Just think what 1 Billion a year from Churchill falls would bring in.Think of the Billions that we could save ourselves from not sending royaltys to Ottawa from off-shore oil.Think of the future that we could provide to our children by just doing it oursleves .
I "realise"alot.I also "realise" that canada,lied about Term 29 of the terms of Unoin and I "realise" that since then they have kept lieing to keep themselves in the lifestyle that they have been accustomed.
More lies from evil men ,doing evil deed's.Is it normal for wanting the lie's to stop.Or,do we just not "realise" what has been going on for the last fifty eight years.
As Always,Lost-In-Exile
Our land mass is on the Atlantic Ocean shipping lanes, we are a resource rich province and we just have 500,000 people, these factors should bold well for this province.
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't we benefitting from those factors now?
How would we better benefit from them as a Glorious Pinkwhiteandgreenian Republic?
Stop the Oil,turm off the Hydro,and ban all air traffic from out air space.
Why would you do the first two; HOW would you do the third?
To finally have a trans Labrador Highway.For Labrador to reach its full potiental.
Why hasn't the province of which Labrador is a part already built it? How could it build it as an independent country, when as a province, the province always passes the buck to Ottawa for Labrador highways and other Labrador infrastructure needs? How do you think that makes Labradorians feel, when our own provincial government keeps washing their hands of anything in Labrador that would cost them money... even as they gladly collect taxes and resources revenues from Labrador?
think what 1 Billion a year from Churchill falls would bring in.
ReplyDeleteWhere would that billion come from? You said above you'd turn off the hydro. Who's buying a dead wire?
Think of the Billions that we could save ourselves from not sending royaltys to Ottawa from off-shore oil.
DONE! Already not one penny is sent in royalties to Ottawa. Not a cent. Not a sous. Not one red copper.
I know, everyone in Newfoundland says the opposite... but like a lot of Newfoundland separatist fairy tales, it's wrong.
The federal government collects NO royalties.
Ottawa needs to call a Conference of all provinces. This federation is certainly not working. When there are provinces with rich resources, which are not doing nearly as well as the provinces with little resources which depend on a province like Newfoundland and Labrador which has the resources but is the poorest in the country, well then this Federation of provinces is not working.
ReplyDeleteQuebec is getting billions out of this Federal Budget and its premier is going to allot monies to the tune of $800 million to bring down the tax burdens of families in Quebec by an average of $750.00, why, when Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, who have the largest per capita debt in Canada and many resources, which we know other Canadian provinces depend on for economies, why couldn't something have been done for Newfoundland and Labrador? Why does the province of Newfoundland and Labrador always have to be the Cinderella of Canada?
Actually, I think you're more like the ugly step-sister.
ReplyDeleteYeah! The ugly step-sister who is never happy and yells and screams constantly that she gets enough.
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about the other provinces Anon of 8:31 AM who are always yelling for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to cough up its resources to keep them alive? Those covetous provinces, not only, have their own voices, but they are blessed with the voices of the National Newspapers, National Television and the Federal Government to goad the province of Newfoundland and Labrador into submission to give up its resources.
ReplyDeleteArtfull dodger said....
ReplyDeleteIt is most unfortunate that certain anonymous posters feel the need to denegrate individuals and/or the people of this province in general, who have a different perspective on this particular topic, or in fact any other topic relating to the province of Newfoundland & Labrador.
Juvenile or hatefull remarks add nothing to the debate, so why bother!
It is unfortunate that those who dislike Newfoundlanders & Labradorians would lurk around this blog merely to spew their venom, or troll for a angry response, it must something lacking in the character of such people when they feel they have to put others down in order to feel as though they themselves have been elevated!
Artfull Dodger
Artfull: That is an attribute of a person with low esteem or is suffering a psychological disorder, he/she thinks by bringing others down, he/she is elevating himself/herself.
ReplyDeleteLike you say it is terrible that some people will do this to others, but such people are always lurking in the woodpile waiting to undermine everything situation which they oppose.
We here in Newfoundland and Labrador are trying to talk out our problems with Canada on a blog and you have those devils hiding in the woodpile who want to undermine everything that is said.
It is up to us though whether or not we will allow such people to sabotage or undermine what we are trying to do in a civilize way. We must keep chugging along and try our best to get ourselves into a better position in this QUAGMIRE of a country called Canada.
I will leave you with one suggestion, Canada has to restructure, and restructure it must do, very quickly, since Newfoundland and Labrador has figured out after 58 years of abuse how everything is structured in this outfit called Canada, and it is not structured to benefit Newfoundland and Labrador, but instead the other provinces of the country. We just found out that we cannot move forward in this Country. It is game over for us as it is now structured.
We were just told yesterday by the Prime Minister of Canada that he could not fulfill his promise to Newfoundland and Labrador because the other provinces who needed our resources were against him doing so. Isn't that enough information to tell ourselves we have to shift gears and do something different?
Artfull Dodger
ReplyDeleteSome people deserve a response.Others on the other hand deserve nothing.To lower yourself to the level of there arguement ,for the sake of one ,does not make one's point anymore agreeable ,or pleasant.But ,to constantly show your opinion in the face of ignorance and self-rightouse does make one spiteful .
We all know how Newfoundland and Labrador is being robbed of it's resources.To lay blame on the home owner for,his place of residance,being constantly broken into,is not only sheer stupidity ,and shows nothing but a clear lack of reason,but shows some underlying emotional distress as well.To contribute to this individual's problem's would not make me feel like a better person.It does not make me feel superior .What it actually does make me feel is "pity".I know that there has to be something that made the Individual think and act like this .As the old fella use to say " Time heal's many thing's,except ignorance"
As Always,Lost-In-Exile
It is unfortunate that Newfoundland even exists.
ReplyDeleteOh you are coveting Newfoundland and Labrador's resources more than we even thought, now you wish the people of Newfoundland and Labrador didn't exist. How covetous some people can be, eh?
ReplyDeleteThe picture comes to view much clearer when you get the view points of such people as the Anon who responded at 8:10 PM. How childish?
Artfull Dodger said....
ReplyDeleteYes, how childish indeed.
Methinks either a teenager with too much free time on his/her hands or a pathetic excuse for an adult is upset that Newfoundland exists. I wonder if he/she realizes the province consists of Newfoundland AND Labrador, not just Newfoundland? Oh well, it seems somebody has wasted a lot of money and time on an education but not retained some rather simple facts, such a shame! No matter, I imagine this person is going to have to get used to the fact that Newfoundland AND Labrador does in fact exist and will continue to exist long after the aforementioned anonymous poster is worm food. I hope this information doesn't cause the anon poster to suffer any deep depression or anxiety!
Artfull Dodger
You guys are so funny! I'm a Newfoundlander too haha!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to get out this stink-hole and find a real job and a future.
Why aren't you out of this stink-hole finding a job and a future?
ReplyDeleteI can point you to Alberta where thousands of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are making a wonderful living and I might add they are much more loyal than you are. I form my opinion on your acid comments to this blog.
If I weren't working and I wanted a future, I certainly would go to Alberta to find it.
What is your problem if you are so poisened with this place?
Artfull Dodger said....
ReplyDeleteIn response to the person who said "I can't wait to get out of this stink-hole and find a real job", is there anything we can do to assist you? More to the point, why have'nt you gone already?
I am sure that anybody with marketable skills or credentials can find a job in Alberta for example, unless of course you do not possess any marketable skills. Is that your problem, no marketable skills? Could it be you don't want to leave the comfort of your parents home?
Artfull Dodger
Artfull Dodger said....
ReplyDeleteIn response to the person who said "I can't wait to get out of this stink-hole and find a real job", is there anything we can do to assist you? More to the point, why have'nt you gone already?
I am sure that anybody with marketable skills or credentials can find a job in Alberta for example, unless of course you do not possess any marketable skills. Is that your problem, no marketable skills? Could it be you don't want to leave the comfort of your parents home?
Artfull Dodger
Pretty predictable comments guys.
ReplyDeleteI teach at MUN by the way and will be leaving when it suits me to do so.
That doesn't mean this place isn't a stink hole :)
That is the problem with MUN there are too many people from out of the province who are running the show. There should be more Newfoundlanders and Labradorians doing that job, since they know the problems in this place. I think that might be another orchestrated show in the past filling MUN up with 100 per cent outsiders. They seem to pull for Ottawa and the other provinces. If that number had been diluted, maybe this province would have been in a different economic position. I don't know if that would be the case, but we will never know because of the fact that it didn't happen that way.
ReplyDeleteOh now MUN is bad! My God, is anyone else on the planet other than an NL'er acceptable to you people??
ReplyDeleteNo, it's not that MUN is bad but when you consider that there is someone teaching there who is childish and ignorant enough to say things like the following then you have to question any institution that would hire someone like that to teach impressionable young people.
"I teach at MUN by the way and will be leaving when it suits me to do so. That doesn't mean this place isn't a stink hole"
"Can't wait to get out this stink-hole and find a real job and a future."
"It is unfortunate that Newfoundland even exists."
Obviously you have no place teaching anything. You'd be far better off getting an education first.
Anon of 1:40 PM
That's "professor", not teacher.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I wouldn't be too concerned. Half of these young Newfoundlanders are functionally illiterate anyway and can't read what I've written.
ReplyDeleteMUN will let anybody in.
According to the February 12th edition of MACLEAN'S titled UNIVERSITY FRAUD more than half of Canadian University students are cheating, all degrees are tained. The magazine say it's a national scandal. And MACLEAN'S asks the question Why aren't schools doing more about it?
ReplyDeleteSo Anon of March 22, 2007 5:00 PM PLEASE DO NOT BE TO QUICK TO POINT YOUR FINGER AT YOUNG NEWFOUNDLANDERS. Apparently it is an epidemic across Canada, perpetrated by educators.
According to the February 12th edition of MACLEAN'S titled UNIVERSITY FRAUD more than half of Canadian University students are cheating, all degrees are tainted. The magazine say it's a national scandal. And MACLEAN'S asks the question Why aren't schools doing more about it?
ReplyDeleteSo Anon of March 22, 2007 5:00 PM PLEASE DO NOT BE TO QUICK TO POINT YOUR FINGER AT YOUNG NEWFOUNDLANDERS. Apparently it is an epidemic across Canada, perpetrated by educators.
Maybe........but this is the worst place I've seen. At least the cheaters can read. Not sure what your high schools are doing with these kids for 3 years. Scary.
ReplyDeleteCheaters are more dangerous, since they are the ones who get promoted into degress and become doctors and operate on people like you.
ReplyDeleteIm hoping that all canadains can now see why we need to fully support those who wish to break this federation up into states.If the words here don't show why we need our country back nothing will .If no one else can do it for Newfoundland And Labrador then I think that I will be sending my next donation to thease guy's .
If you can't get no were fighting agaisnt them ,then you might as well help them to get the out-come that they want.Besides our tax dollars are now going to Quebec to pay for there tax breaks anyway,so we might as well give it all to them .
As Always,Lost-In-Exile
My statements on illiterate Newfies stand.
ReplyDeleteArtfull Dodger said....
ReplyDeleteI would like to interject with some thoughts on the recent budget as it relates to the accord, and provincial/federal relations.
I think it is safe to say that Steven Harper has not lived up to his committment to the degree that he previously indicated he would (pre-election).
* Devils advocate speaking now:
Okay, here is the thing;
Is it wise for Premier Williams to indicate he will campaign against the conservatives in the next election?
Do we want the Premier attempting to influence who we vote for federally?
Does the Premier need to tone the rhetoric down a few notches and look at the big picture?
When all is said and done, the Premier/provincial government still has to deal with the feds on day to day and even high profile issues besides the accord. I don't believe it is taking a leap in logic to say that poisoning the atmosphere is going to help when the province has to deal with the feds on other issues of importance.
I have to confess that it makes me nervous when Premier Williams takes this tact.
Artfull Dodger
Newfoundland is a joke. Who let them into this country anyway??
ReplyDeleteOh yeah.......they did it themselves hahahaha.
Anon of March 24, 2007 11:59
ReplyDeleteDon't you know we were dragged in kicking and screaming? Two referendums were held and the second one showed barely enough votes, with the talk of burnt ballot boxes.
One historian said that it was to pay off a $8 billion dollar war debt England owed Canada. England sold us to pay off its debt. Read the history and see the sordid details of how Canada got us by hook or by crook.
Read the sordid details of how Canada squashed trade deals this province signed with Washington, but Canada saw to it that they wouldn't go ahead.
Believe me, we didn't ask to enter Canada, we were dragged into it.
Two referendums were held and the second one showed barely enough votes,
ReplyDeleteBarely enough for what?
with the talk of burnt ballot boxes.
Any evidence?
One historian said that it was to pay off a $8 billion dollar war debt England owed Canada.
What is the name of that historian?
England sold us to pay off its debt. Read the history and see the sordid details of how Canada got us by hook or by crook.
Do you have any suggested readings?
Read the sordid details of how Canada squashed trade deals this province signed with Washington, but Canada saw to it that they wouldn't go ahead.
Canada stood up for its own interests, like any country would have. It was Britain that squashed the deals, not Canada.
Believe me, we didn't ask to enter Canada, we were dragged into it.
"We" voted on it.
Dragged in kicking and screaming my arse!
ReplyDeleteYou guys wanted in desperately and everyone knows it. Don't even try to say otherwise. My grandfather (yes, he's a Newfoundlander)VOTED for Confederation because he wanted better times for his family. It was a hard choice but a choice that the people made.
This crap about being dragged in is just that........crap. An excuse used by politicians to deflect any blame they may incur when things go wrong or because you weren't given enough handouts. Get off your asses and work for a change and quit blaming everyone else for all your woes.
Too many people in Newfoundland (and elsewhere for sure) are too willing to collect governement money rather than make a go of it.
You scream for equality and control over resources (which you already ahve so who knows what all that fuss is about) and when the government starts to wean you off the equalization handouts you go ballistic! Which do you want?? You want the Atlantic Accord or do you want handouts??? Pick one. Cripes, you can't have both! Think about it for once instead of just regurgitating what you Premier is yelling about. He doesn't care about you guys...he wants some big legacy where he was the most popular premier ever to grace the shores of Newfoundland and he'll make any fuss he can to stay in the media, in front of the camera. The only people who can't see that are in this province.
The rest of us see is very plainly and it's not impressive....just pathetic.
According to Newfoundland and Labradorian historian, John Fitzgerald, Newfoundland and Labrador paid in three ways, we paid with our blood, we paid off our war debt and we paid $8 billion dollars to Canada for Englands war debts, and as a result got gobbled up by the Canadian Wolf and and we lost everything. We have no control over any of our resources or the way we wish to move in this country. We are completely controlled by Ottawa's whims and as you can see the 93 per cent of the Canadian Parliament controls the 7 per cent we hold within it. We have no way to move ahead. We are Mired in Mud.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Newfoundland and Labradorian historian, John Fitzgerald, Newfoundland and Labrador paid in three ways, we paid with our blood, we paid off our war debt and we paid $8 billion dollars to Canada for Englands war debts, and as a result got gobbled up by the Canadian Wolf and and we lost everything. We have no control over any of our resources or the way we wish to move in this country. We are completely controlled by Ottawa's whims and as you can see the 93 per cent of the Canadian Parliament controls the 7 per cent we hold within it. We have no way to move ahead. We are Mired in Mud.
ReplyDeleteI the Anon of March 25, 2007 12:16 PM -
ReplyDeleteSorry I said thatthe province of Newfoundland and Labrador has 7 per cent say in the Canadian Parliament, I made an error, we have far less than that. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has 7 Members out of a 308 Member Canadian Parliament, so we control only 2.2 percent of the say. What a lopsided affair, when we have so many provinces clamouring for OUR resources and for the goodies that Ottawa hands out from time to time in the form of Federal Regional Offices and Military bases, etc., etc.
There is absolutely no way to get ahead in a Government when you are outnumbered to the extent that the province of Newfoundland and Labrador finds itself outnumbered.
"Yes” With 2.2 per cent of the say, how is it possible to get ahead? If all the other provinces had as many resources, maybe it would be, but with some provinces with barely any resources, well then you are not going to see them come on side with Newfoundland and Labrador. They have a huge need to get ahead as well. A sorryful situation indeed for Newfoundland and Labrador. Maybe it is time for us to demand that the World Court come to take a look and do a little accounting. The courts need to take a look at the infrastructure here in Newfoundland and Labrador, take a good look at the debt we are facing and measure it against our resources and where they have gone to benefit whom? The carbon footprint is there, whether the accounting footprint is or not,(there is a law in physics that says MATTER CANNOT BE DESTORYED) so there is a way for the court system to figure out what went wrong. After 58 years, the time is long past. We demand an answer.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree guys, how can you try and start anything when the feds control the resource to the project.And ,then at the FED level ,you have 2.2 percent of the say.To the anon of March 25, 2007 8:59 AM,all I have to say is "Live it buddy."I know you must feel a shamed ,so thats why I point out the fact of "Term 29" ,that canada just coldn't live up to.
I don't just want the world to hear about canada the good .I want them to tell us why we did not need term29.
How we were lazy and didn't want to work.While they destroy Lives and family's .Its almost as bad as "Cultural Genocide".They want us to belive that the Fishery was an accident.They planned it all .They knew that if they tryed to fight for it ,they couldn't take it.Look at us ,we were a "Nation"befor them and they have hated us for it ever since.Don't belive me Just ask "Scott Brieson" ,Martin Advisor.
You should see how Newfoundlanders are treated in Ontario.We are the dirt beanth thier feet ,yet we are the one's that hold the Skilled trades.We hold the Tech jobs .We do so much for Canada.
All I can say is any part of North America can live and have a very productive life ,if just left alone.And I for one would rather be building a road in the Labrador then Digging holes in Alberta,thats for sure.!!!!!
"You should see how Newfoundlanders are treated in Ontario.We are the dirt beanth thier feet ,yet we are the one's that hold the Skilled trades.We hold the Tech jobs .We do so much for Canada."
ReplyDeleteNewfoundlanders aren't treated bad in other parts of Canada other than in their own heads. What a pile of bunk.
They love to say it though just to feel justified in barging into other places to work.
Go home then........no one's stopping you.
No?? You'd rather get fat off of Ontario and Alberta first?? Yeah, I thought so.
There is one thing that Newfoundlanders can do the most of in Canada and that's B*tch and moan.
I've never met such annoying people!
Newfoundlanders aren't treated bad in other parts of Canada other than in their own heads. What a pile of bunk.
ReplyDeleteThey love to say it though just to feel justified in barging into other places to work.
Go home then........no one's stopping you.
No?? You'd rather get fat off of Ontario and Alberta first?? Yeah, I thought so.
First of all ,this is the first time in my eight years away from home that I have actually worked in the country of canada,or any of it's province's.
Actually I have spent two years in Germany,two in England,and three in America.If it was up to me i would have stayed in the states,and lived in exile ,but I needed other things in this period of my life.
I have been in Ontario for awhile now,and if the truth is too be told ,I have found it to be the most racially predjuice place that I have had the horror of knowing.It has left such a mark on me ,that I have agreed to do what I do for alot less,and take the work on contract .
This of course will be good for a few students leaving MUN soon ,as I hope to bring work back to ST Johns and help a few of my countrymen.
But ,I will say that the "Toronto" area,has to be one of the worst citys that I have had the sorry plesure of going to.And ,yes,I am going home.
"Were Once Our Father's Stood,We Stand"
I look forward to leaving your pathetic, morally corrupt,sick society and Good riddance .I only hope that your "sickness" doesn't spread any further
As Always,Lost-In-Exile
ReplyDeleteYou are the great white hope bringing jobs and happiness to the stricken souls of Newfoundland!!
Oh we bless the heavens for you and wait with bated breath for your illustrious arrival back home to St. John's!
Your countrymen are trembling with anticipation!
Oh and bye the way....whoever wrote the "Ode to Newfound;and" really needed to get off the island a bit more or had a few screws rattling upstairs.
I laugh everytime I hear the pathetic song sung.
Is it true Danny has left his wife and is "involved" with his (much younger) communications director?