Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Of Mice and Men (and Women)

Editor's note: I originally published the following in the June 1 edition of Current Magazine.


Of Mice and Men (and Women)

Newfoundland and Labrador is a bloody mess!

Federal/Provincial relations are in the toilet. We’re represented by seven puppets in Ottawa. Our people are second class citizens in Canada and everyone is looking toward the latest provincial savior to guide us into a future that’s a crap shoot.

What can we do?

Here’s a novel idea. Let’s get off our collective butts and fight back for once!

Our situation reminds me of the legendary tale of “Mouseland”. If you’ve never heard of it, Mouseland is a parable once told by Saskatchewan political dynamo and father of universal health care, the late Tommy Douglas.

Mouseland talks of mice that go about their daily routines, working, raising children and so on, just like we do. Every four years they elect a new parliament. The funny thing is they always elect a parliament made up of cats, black cats to be precise.

To paraphrase Mr. Douglas, black cats make wonderful promises. One time they promised smaller rounder mouse holes so cats couldn’t stick their heads in and eat all the little mice. They delivered. But they made sure the holes were big enough so they could still get their paws inside and pull the mice out.

After years of misery the mice decided it was time for a change so they elected a new government. This time they elected white cats. The white cats promised to get rid of round mouse holes. “That’ll fix the problem”, they said. Once elected the white cats built square holes but they were bigger than the round ones so the cats could get their heads inside again.

The moral: Cats, no matter their color, are still cats. They aren’t mice. It’s not that cats are bad. In fact they actually do good things, for other cats. To paraphrase Mr. Douglas, what’s good for a Nation of cats isn’t necessarily good for a Province of mice.

Just like Mouseland, it’s time we elected 7 independent or Bloc style mice and sent them to Ottawa instead of the usual lot of red, blue or even orange cats.

I can hear the usual curmudgeons and party faithful shake their heads and ask, “What in God’s name can 7 independent MPs accomplish in a parliament of 308?” Don’t listen to them. We may be facing a string of minority governments in Canada. A bloc of 6 or 7 mice who aren’t obligated to toe the party line can do a lot in that environment. They certainly can’t do any worse than our usual 7 (fat) cats.

What do we have to lose? We gave away the upper Churchill for the benefit of Canada and the glory of another almighty savior, Joey Smallwood. The fish are gone, the railroad is gone, mills are closing, unemployment is rampant and people are leaving by the plane, bus and boat load. We have to do something or by the time the oil runs out the locks will already be on the door.

Ben Franklin once said, “Those who give up liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

In 1949 we sold our Nation into confederation for a baby bonus and the old age pension. According to Ben, we got what we deserved.

It’s time each of us did something to get ourselves out of the mess we’ve fallen, gotten pushed or were conned into, depending on your point of view. The Ode to Newfoundland contains the line, “Where once they stood we stand”. Sadly it makes me realize most of us don’t stand for much anymore.

Dismiss me as nut, a crackpot or even a nationalist if you must. I really don’t care. I’ve been called far worse, including a Liberal, PC and NDP. I’d prefer the former names to the latter.

Tommy Douglas noted at the end of Mouseland how one little mouse called on his fellow citizens to stop electing cats. He was dragged away to shut him up.


  1. It has always struck me as sad that the only people who consistently refer to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in demeaning and derogatory terms - like referring to Mouseland - are those who are pushing their own peculiar interpretation of our history.

    Well, those and a few cranks and crackpots on the mainland.

    They are the same people who advocate separation or some other political agenda.

    It's a curious message to send: "You people are weak and stupid, so support what I want you to support."

  2. Well Patriot ,Another Fine Article:

    And I see that I have been beaten to this first Post by Mr Holliet.

    "They are the same people who advocate separation or some other political agenda."

    Well Mr Holiet for the first time I would have to say that we have something to agree on.I would say to my fellow Newfoundlanders and labradorian's,do not go quitly into the night,but fight to the last dieing man.
    Stand-Up for your Home and your culture,and don't give one inch to canada.
    For we now what happens when we give Canada and its evil empire one strand .They take libertys and want it all.

    Political Agenda,yes,I do .I say belive in not trust ,for the world on the out-side is a cold and bitter place.Relise who and what you are dealing with.Quebec does and look at how fat thier house is.

    Form your own party and belive in your own people ,for they and they alone love and care for your home ,like no other.


  3. Pius, is that you?

  4. It has been said, that doing the same thing over and over again whilst expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

    We have been playing by the federal rules over and over trying to get a different result.

    Any thoughts on how to get a different result?

  5. Is NLFirst the "political party" that got like 30 votes?

  6. fédéraste said...

    Is NLFirst the "political party" that got like 30 votes?

    My question to you ,Sir,is how long did it take to build Canada,when it had resources being thrown at it.

    I think the smartest thing that Newfoundlander's and Labradorians could ever do is vote for thier own Partys,and then sell those seats to the highest bidder once in Ottawa.

    Rome was not built in a day ,and GOD help us if The people of this province ever thought about themselves for once.Hey ,the Province just might get somewere.

    There Is Still Hope.And that my friend is better then having Nothing.

  7. ex-pat is that you under another name?

  8. Edward G. Hollett said...

    ex-pat is that you under another name?

    AWWW, I see that I have Mr Hollett's attention.I would like to say that ,I'm afraid not my friend .

    I read the writings that are associated with that Gentlmens Blog ,but I'm afraid that I cannot take credit for his fine work .

    I see that you too follow the same train of thought Mr Hollett.Is it that great minds think alike ,or that oppsites attract,we shall see I suppose .

  9. Then why is it, person posting as Republican, you consistently mis-spell the same words, and use the same stock phrases, as our good friend Greg Byrne?

  10. Is "republican" pius' new name?

  11. WJM said...

    Then why is it, person posting as Republican, you consistently mis-spell the same words, and use the same stock phrases, as our good friend Greg Byrne?

    June 15, 2007 5:57 PM

    "BecAu$e it LOOOoooOOOks Cool and makes Me @ L<>T ,HaxSOR"

  12. WJM said...

    Then why is it, person posting as Republican, you consistently mis-spell the same words, and use the same stock phrases, as our good friend Greg Byrne?

    June 15, 2007 5:57 PM

    republican said...

    WJM said...

    Then why is it, person posting as Republican, you consistently mis-spell the same words, and use the same stock phrases, as our good friend Greg Byrne?

    June 15, 2007 5:57 PM

    "BecAu$e it LOOOoooOOOks Cool and makes Me @ L<>T ,HaxSOR"

    June 15, 2007 10:18 PM

    My apologys Mr Wallace ,I in no way ment to come across as rude .I hope that your enjoying your week-end.
    I do have a buissness venture for you though.Maybe we could make some beach just out-side of say ,Paradise River,maybe Northriver.If the heat gets any worse in Labrador maybe we could start selling time share .Who knows the Jamicans seem to have great success with it.Anyway ,enjoy your weekend .

  13. Well done, "Republican"!!! NOW I know your identity!! You gave it away too easily!! I sort of knew it was someone "not too bright", (sorry, but no other term comes to mind right now!) However, I am still a bit taken by surprise, to discover it is you. Oh well, as the saying goes"keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer"!! You may need to heed that bit of advice soon. Again, it may have been in your best interest to work a little harder at covering your tracks. I feel badly for you. I really never thought you were so shallow! Oh well, learn something new every day I guess!!

  14. Mr Wallace ,your post never seem to surprise me for some reason.

    I would hope that you can patent that technology that you have used to discover who I really am.

    Im sure that you need a long rest from this blog.After all ,you have fought a great battle for your cause have you not.

    Helping the "Newfies" relize how great the grass does grow for canada and her alone.

    You must feel so strong ,holding the door for canada as she raps and steals from your family .While thousands are scattered to the masses .But,in the fore-front of politics you shout love and fairness to all .How much silver did you get this day "Judas".

    Yes,such a name is good for a man of your credibility.My mistake was giving you the respect that I chose to save for my province.Yes,that mistake shall not be made again .

    Good day to You "Judas"

  15. "Oh well, as the saying goes"keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer"

    This is how canada thinks.And we want to be part of this .No wonder we are made to suffer.The anti-christ himself will be on our door soon.In bed with this bunch of godless sodomites.

  16. I would hope that you can patent that technology that you have used to discover who I really am.

    I can't, because of the doctrine of "prior art". You see, reading and writing have been around since at least Babylonia. The letters I read date back to the Phoenicians, and the English words, some of them, go back a thousand years or more.

    You must feel so strong ,holding the door for canada as she raps and steals from your family

    Canada hasn't stolen anything from my family, and Canada is more into jazz singing and choral than rap music.

    How much silver did you get this day "Judas".


    Good day to You "Judas"


    And hi, Greg Byrne! How's things in Sackville? The Tantramar Marshes must be nice this time of year.

  17. I wonder does Ottawa know where its monies go for salaries and if it is aware of the quality of work, not the quantity it is receiving in return for the hard earned tax payer's money

  18. Agreed anonymous, but since there might be a few paid lobbyists for the provincial government (you included) I wonder if the provincial government knows where its monies go for salaries and if it is aware of the quality of work, not the quantity it is receiving in return for the hard earned tax payer's money.

  19. Again: why would a government, provincial included, have lobbyists?

    This would be like trees hiring lumberjacks.

    The relationship is adversarial. The person who keeps talking about "federal lobbyists" and "government lobbyists" has, obviously, not the faintest clue what a lobbyist is.


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