Web Talk hasn't been very active of late. To be more precise I, as the host, have been on a break from the sometimes all consuming effort it takes to tilt at our province's many windmills.
That said, I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment to honour our deserving veterans.
If you'd like to take a few moments as well please click the link below. It will take just a couple of minutes from your day but I believe it's well worth the time: to remember.
Pittance of Time (please click)
If you are also disgusted with the treatment of our poorer veterans who, if they make more than 12K or so a year, are denied funding for a decent funeral, let you MP know how you feel. A link to MP contact info is available on the left hand side of this site, or you can contact Veteran's Affairs at:
Lest we Forget...
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