Friday, September 08, 2006

Stephen Harper Gives Newfoundland and Labrador the Kiss Off

Boy I tell you, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is getting more and more like George W Bush every day. First he negotiates an end to the softwood lumber dispute even after the U.S. lost the battle in the courts (5 times, if memory serves me correctly). He insists on taking a U.S. style stance on military missions rather than continuing with the historical Canadian role of peace maker. Now, over the past several months, he has been getting all warm and cuddly with George W’s big oil buddies to the detriment of parts of Canada.

Listen, we all know George W. and Dick Cheney were and are oil men down to their jockeys. The U.S. is already fighting a war that’s succeeding in doing nothing other than driving up the price per barrel and ensuring that companies like ExxonMobile reap record profits. Now he has Steve Harper on his team to the detriment of, guess who? Did you say Newfoundland and Labrador?

When Premier Danny Williams looked for Harper’s help a few months ago to help bring in fallow field legislation and force oil companies to develop fields or lose control of them (similar to legislation already in place in other jurisdictions like Alberta), he was shot down publicly in the media by the PM. Several weeks ago Williams tried again when he sent a letter to the PM requesting that he come on board in the discussion of the legislation and to perhaps offer investment tax credits to the companies involved in order to help move the Hebron development forward. To date Harper has not even shown Premier Williams the courtesy of responding to the letter.

At this point Premier Williams has said, in essence, screw him! (I paraphrased just a little there but you get the idea.) What he really said is that he’s giving up on the idea of help from the Prime Minister with the Hebron oil field.

CBC news has reported that the Premier also stated, "The fact that the prime minister is not supporting me on the whole fallow field exercise and legislation, the only explanation I can see is obviously he's a supporter of big oil and if he wants to be a big buddy to big oil, that's for him to decide."

According to Harper’s newest butt kissing representative to Newfoundland and Labrador, Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, the PM has been too busy dealing with the Middle East crisis and the war in Afghanistan and hasn’t had time to look at the issue.

Well excuse me Loyola. That BS may fly in Harper’s dream country of the U.S, but it doesn’t wash here. Domestic matters need to be addressed as well foreign ones and this is a big one for the people of the Province. It’s not good enough that the PM is only capable of concentrating on one thing at a time. It was bad enough when he listed his 5 priorities during the election. At least then it looked like he could focus on at least a few issues, now he’s down to one and one alone. I’d hate to see what would happen if he had to walk and chew gum at the same time.

According to news reports Williams response to this was simply, "He's busy? We're all busy. And I can tell you right now if you don't give the Premier of a province the courtesy of a response within two months, then that's already way too long.”

Very politically put Mr. Williams. I’d have gone further and said that if Stevie Boy doesn’t feel that the Canadian government has time to deal with Newfoundland and Labrador issues then the province has no further reason to remain a part of a Country like that.


  1. While I agree that Harper's lack of response to such an important issue is loathesome, he's doing nothing differnt than any other prime minister since NL's induction to the House of Canuckistan. I mean, how many times do we have to be kicked in the crotch by Ottawa before the people of this province realize that our only potential salvation lies in getting the hell out of confederation???

    I guess there are just too many NL'ians with their lips stuck to Ottawa's backside (in hopes of receiving some sort of handout) to prevent us from breaking the federal chains that bind us...

  2. The feds want their cake and eat it to..

    They accept with open arms the royalties from the offshore oil but won't accept the Kyoto demerits.

    They have a 50% ownership stake but refuse to back their partner NL in looking for fallow field legislation.

    It's the same old story the feds have their fingers in our pies once again.

    Upper Churchill National power corridor.

    Clawing back Non-Renewable resource revenues againt the D-equalization formula.

    Continental shelf continuing to allow foreigners to rape and pillage the 40% of the continental shelf which lies outside the 200 mile Economic giveaway while our people starve.

  3. Patriot - Or could it be that the Prime Minister is acting on behalf of Alberta's wishes that the Oil Industry activity in the offshore of Newfoundland and Labrador be curtailed or stopped? Please do not forget Ian Doig, the Oil Analyst from the West and his negative view points on Eastern Oil, and his views particularly on the Oil fields off the Caost of Newfoundland and Labrador. Then once the oil industry is shut down in Newfoundland and Labrador waters, that will mean, more productivity for the Alberta Oil Industry, and of course, our people will outmigrate to Alberta to work there, and create the workers that Alberta so desperately needs. Prime Minister Harper is looking after the Oil fields of Alberta, please don't forget that.

  4. Good point Anon but either way good old NL gets screwed over again. What a Country.

  5. Patriot said...
    Good point Anon but either way good old NL gets screwed over again. What a Country.

    When it comes to Canuckistan, there's no 'O' in 'country'...

  6. Good Grief people. Get out of the pity party and look at the issues sensibly. Alberta's oil fields are mature and well developed. Newfoundland's offshore oil industry is just starting to grow. You can't jump in after all the work has been done by the oil companies and demand equity and major royalties, then whine and write your own legislation when you don't get your own way.
    The province has got to get over this idea that the whole world is out to get Newfoundland. It's business pure and simple...not a big conspiracy. Grow up and quit acting like a toddler - "well, I guess Canada doesn't really want us then!Hmff!"

  7. I see what you're saying Anonymous but the breakdown during negotiations over Hebron was very much a part of business. NL is simply demanding what it deems to be fair - if the oil companies don't want to sign up now they can do so in a few years time when there is even less oil around in relation to worldwide demand for it and give NL even more than it is demanding now. Harper should jump in and give these oil companies a jolt - THAT'S HIS JOB - to pursue to the end the interests of the people.

  8. (To anonymous:)

    Canada's been screwing us for nearly 60 years and we're just supposed to take it withpout a whimper??? Would you just accept a rapidly declining economy (that was never great at the best of times) if it were your province in question???

    What's that you say??? I can't hear you... Did you say "no"???

    Thought so, you f*cking hypocrite...

  9. Williams still wants to become the Hugo Chavez of North America.
    Williams wants to re-shape the existing laws.

  10. Anonymous said...
    "Williams still wants to become the Hugo Chavez of North America."

    Typical statement by a mainlander who wishes to continue the economic rape and exploitation of NL. "Mommy!!! Danny won't let us indicriminantly steal NL's resources anymore! He's such a dictator!" Canuckistan has taken more than it's fair share from us. Drop dead.

    "Williams wants to re-shape the existing laws."

    Because the existing laws are designed for the benefit of central Canuckistan and not NL, even if it is NL's resources that are being used/developed/sold.

    Johnny Canuck must die.

  11. Anonymous to you who wrote this post: Good Grief people. Get out of the pity party and look at the issues sensibly.................

    My Gosh Anonymous we here in Newfoundland and Labrador didn't happen on the scene yesterday. We have had our resources given away to others with very little compensation for the past 57 years since, that is as long as we have been a part of Canada.

    And Alberta has been getting its just dues for its oil for a long time now. Matter of fact, Alberta has had a multi-billion dollar heritage fund set up for its people as a result of getting a good price for its oil for well over 10 years. YES - That fund is as a result of Alberta getting paid royally for its oil resource. I AM VERY HAPPY for Alberta and for any other province which gets paid properly for its resources. Why are you so unhappy about us wanting to get what is due us here in NEWFOUNDLAND and LABRADOR, so that we can employ our people with a decent wage? Newfoundlanders and Labradorians deserve no better or no worse than what Albertans or Ontarians deserve. We want to be on par.

    Anonymous I am sorry for Alberta if it took a number of years to get its just dessert from its oil, but that time is long behind Alberta now; and Alberta has been now on the path to prosperity for a long time. Thank God for that.

    Anonymous, even so, if it took Alberta a long time to get what was due it for its oil, does that mean that Newfoundland and Labrador has to wait the same amount of time? We have had our oil being pumped for the past 10 years already, and we have gotten very little out of it. Does it mean that we have to follow in the same template with our oil resource, as we used to deal out our fish, minerals, hydroelectric and now our educated human resource?

    Good Grief Anonymous what type of human being are you to have so little pity for a province that has been suffering for so long in wishing us many more years of poverty? I would not wish a bad economy on anybody.

    If I could, I would like to be able to wave a magic wand over the world and make it better for every person in this world. There is too much suffering already. And there is no reason in this God's World why we here in Newfoundland and Labrador have to suffer another day given the large amount of natural resources in this province.

  12. They accept with open arms the royalties from the offshore oil

    How many dollars in royalties did the federal government collect from offshore oil last year?

  13. don't know about royalties but last year hibernia partners netted $2.744 billion, with ExxonMobil receiving $906 million and the Government of Canada receiving $1.097 billion;

    The other parnet Newfoundland I assume got 740 million.

  14. Good grief again! I'm a Newfoundlander true and true. I just have some sense.

  15. Wow. Paranoia city.

  16. Anonymous who wrote this....Wow. Paranoia city.

    I would like to put this to you Anonymous. If your province or city or whatever had bountiful resources, like Newfoundland and Labrador, and you weren't given the opportunity to avail of those resources, because some politicians are in collaberation with Ottawa, the other provinces and industry, who deal out our resources in such a way that they benefit the other provinces, Ottawa and industry, and, of course, the politicians, and not Newfoundland and Labrador, would you and the people who live around you not suffer from paranoia?

    This type of paranoia is brought on by politicians both in Ottawa and Newfoundland and Labrador as a result of the way our resources are dealt out, rather than a naturally occuring mental disorder.

    Maybe you are a psychiatrist and you can give us an answer, other than telling us to get the hell out of the most beautiful province in Canada, also the province with the most naturally occuring resources, Newfoundland and Labrador. We want to live in this beautiful province and exploit our own resources not yours. Thank you very much.

  17. Anonymous said...
    "Good grief again! I'm a Newfoundlander true and true. I just have some sense."

    If you're a "Newfoundlander true and true" and actually think NL has gotten a good deal in confederation, then I must state my objection to your claim of having "some sense".

  18. don't know about royalties but last year hibernia partners netted $2.744 billion, with ExxonMobil receiving $906 million and the Government of Canada receiving $1.097 billion;

    Good for them. The province should have invested an equity position, too.


    Someone needs to answer that.

    Hint: It's a really round number.

  19. "Alberta's oil fields are mature and well developed. Newfoundland's offshore oil industry is just starting to grow."

    "Developed" here means 90% political, or maybe 100%. The oil sands of Alberta would not be happening if not for the over 1 billion dollars in government subsidies provided over the last decade. It is an insane project which requires almost as much energy input as what it extracts. Can you imagine if the oil sands were in Labrador?

  20. WJM - does it really matter how much the federal government collected in royalties last year? I have no idea how much the federal government collected but I'll guess and say $0. You know what? Who cares how much they collected. Buddy, you can't see the forest for the trees. The issue here is that the federal government has a history of administering NL resources under its control without any provisions to ensure that NL benefits. Hebron is an opportunity for the government of NL and Canada to get a little more for the province for the short lifespan of Hebron. In light of that fact all you can do is squelch about a "round figure" so you can prove how much smarter you are than someone who assumed the federal government got something out of NL's oil last year. Defender of Labrador you are not - you're a perverse whipped employee of Ottawa.

  21. WJM - Ottawa might collect a round figure in royalties, but it certainly collects billions and billions from the taxpayers and resources from provinces like Newfoundaldn and Labrador. The EI program alone Ottawa has over collected approximately 60 billion dollars. That is one program though I wish that we didn't have to get paid from, I and others, want to make our living from our resources which we are well endowed with, but unfortunately we can't because between our Ottawa politicians and our own Newfoundland and Labrador politicians, these resources are dealt out /given away to the other provinces, Ottawa and the world to have meaningful work. What a terrible country we live in when something like this happens to such a beautiful province as Labrador and Newfoundland. Thanks

  22. Anonymous The Second said...
    The EI program alone Ottawa has over collected approximately 60 billion dollars. That is one program though I wish that we didn't have to get paid from, I and others, want to make our living from our resources which we are well endowed with, but unfortunately we can't because between our Ottawa politicians and our own Newfoundland and Labrador politicians, these resources are dealt out /given away to the other provinces, Ottawa and the world to have meaningful work. What a terrible country we live in when something like this happens to such a beautiful province as Labrador and Newfoundland. Thanks

    Which brings me to the point of; can we have our cake and eat it too?
    A beautiful province with bountiful resources both non renewable, and still some renewable, despite best efforts to deplete same. People hungry for work in there own province, an attitude of too many of taking what god gave them to do what they like.
    A lot of what has been depleted has nothing to do with any one else’s policies and jurisdictions, it has more to do with peoples greed and short sighted attitudes.
    The same mistakes would be made no matter what color flag flies above the capital in St.John’s. It’s politics, in it?

  23. In response to Brian above. It's not that NL'ers don't have any responsibility over the depletion of their resources or the corrupt nature that marks our political system provincially. Of course we have responsibility and yes we are prone to greed and short-sightedness as much as anyone else.
    In the meantime, there's no mistaking or excusing the reality that NL is viewed as nothing more than a resource/labour dump to be taken advantage of.

  24. Correct mt.pearligan; but too many chose to ignore the fact that NL’ers are not that different than others, and we collectively ignore history over and over.

  25. WJM - does it really matter how much the federal government collected in royalties last year?

    Yes, it does, because it is an article of Newfoundland Nationalist mythology that Ottawa collects royalties from offshore oil and gas (and, for that matter, from onshore mines), when, in fact, IT DOES NOT.

    The issue here is that the federal government has a history of administering NL resources under its control without any provisions to ensure that NL benefits.

    Which resources are under federal control?

    Please, identify them.

  26. WJM - Ottawa might collect a round figure in royalties, but it certainly collects billions and billions from the taxpayers

    Yip. And? What's your point?

    and resources from provinces like Newfoundaldn and Labrador.

    Ottawa does not collect a single solitary red penny in direct resource revenue in ANY province, other than some small oil/gas and quarry royalties from mineral projects on a handful of Indian reserves out west.

    The EI program alone Ottawa has over collected approximately 60 billion dollars.

    In NL's case, the annual payout to people in the province far, far exceeds the pay-in.

    between our Ottawa politicians and our own Newfoundland and Labrador politicians, these resources are dealt out /given away to the other provinces,

    Which resources have been "given away" to other provinces? To which provinces?

  27. People hungry for work in there own province

    And employers hungry for employees in many parts of the same province, especially Labrador West and St. John's. But even in many small rural towns, you can't get people to work in service industries. It's all very bizarre.

  28. WJM - Are you asleep? Alberta has drained the province of Newfoundland and Labrador of its people, who are of working age,to work in its oil fields. Also Ontario has drained this province of its people, who are of working age, to work the Nickel refinery in Sudbuy,I might add, the very ore that was dug out of the ground to run that refinery came of of Voisey Bay, Labrador. And there are thousands of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians working the manufacturing industry of Ontario, and plus, the people who become educated in our centers of higher learning are recruited to work all over the world because there are no jobs in this province. These people owe a fortune after receiving their education and their loans are called almost immediately. It is very difficult to run industry here in this province, even if, we discovered more resources now to do so. Maybe you can name some jobs that are available that are of high enough wage that a person can just pay rent alone. $7.75 per hour cannot give one shelter, food and all the other things that are crucial to keep one from sinking. Forget entertainment that would be out of the question. Please name some of those jobs that pay enough to keep one in an apartment, put food on the table and one can buy even a bottle of aspirin to keep down a head ache.

    Also, if you haven't read the statistics, we are not producing children here in multiples, like we did back 30 or more years ago. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has the lowest birth rate in Canada, if not the whole world. That is a statistic that was released just a few months ago.

  29. WJM - Section 91:12 of the BNA Act reserves responsibility and power over "sea coast and inland fisheries" to the federal government.

    To be sure, this applies to oil as well. You can find sufficient information to confirm this fact on your employer's website:

  30. WJM said
    "Ottawa does not collect a single solitary red penny in direct resource revenue in ANY province"

    so whats the 1.097 billion they netted from hibernia.

  31. WJM you said: People hungry for work in there own province

    And employers hungry for employees in many parts of the same province, especially Labrador West and St. John's. But even in many small rural towns, you can't get people to work in service industries. It's all very bizarre.

    WJM ........ACCORDING TO A POSTER TO A BLOG JUST RECENTLY, the poster said that you, YOURSELF, are working in the MP for Labrador's Office in Ottawa, if so, why are you working in Ottawa instead of Labrador or Newfoundland since you say we need so many workers. Is it because the money is much better, is it because you prefer to be in a much bigger urgan area? Please give me the reasons. Also why are you working against us if you are working there? As far as I am concerned what you are doing on this blog, if you are working in the MPs for Labrador Office in Ottawa, what you are doing by posting the things you post to the blogs is nothing but traitorism. Here we are trying to get the truth out concerning our resources in Labrador and Newfoundland and you are refuting everything that is being said on the blogs on how our resources are dealt out. to other places other than Labrador and Newfoundland. WJM, Please come clean WJM if you are a worker in the office of the MP of Labrador office in Ottawa and please don't lambaste others for taking higher paying jobs eleswhere in the country.

  32. To WJM:

    An addition to the last post by me. At least the people, who you speak of, who are leaving the province of Labrador and Newfoundland, instead of taking the low paying jobs here are doing it for the right reason to make a good living. They are also not posting articles to the blogs that will set us backwards here in this province. They are trying to make a decent living for their families, the decent living which they can't seem to make in this province because of the lack of jobs. If you are the person, WJM, who is living in the very urban city of Ottawa and working there, no doubt, receiving a very high paying salary, out of taxpayers money, please refrain from setting us backwards here in Labrador and Newfoundland. You should, as a MP's aide from Labrador be doing everything possible to help us by getting the truth out on what has happened to our fish resource and all the other resources that were given away to other provinces and foreign nations, compliments of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador by our politicians, both provincially and federally. Please, Please Mr. Aide to the MP of Labrador and Mr. MP from Labrador, if you are the people I am speaking of in this blog, who were mentioned in a previous blog by another poster, please work with the people of this province instead of against us.

    I hope I get a reply to this post to say you are not, who I am implying you are, because of the information in a previous post. If you are that person, it will be very shocking to me to know that there are real people in the Ottawa establishment who are doing this type of work which is counter-active to what we, as posters to blogs, are trying to do to make things right for Labrador and Newfoundland.

    Please reply saying you are not, if not, you will always be referred to in the blogs as some sort of traitor. I don't want to be doing this because this is counter-active to what I am trying to do, and, of course, it is not fair to you, if you aren't that person.

  33. "'We must do something' is the unanimous refrain. 'You begin' is the deadening refrain."
    -Walter Dwight, The Saving Sense

  34. It's about time you all had a Prime Minister who understood the reality that Canada is really nothing more than our bitch.

  35. Are you asleep?


    Alberta has drained the province of Newfoundland and Labrador of its people, who are of working age,to work in its oil fields.

    "Alberta" has done no such thing.

    Yet you hear of all these Newfoundlanders who supposedly would return "to the province" in a heartbeat if there was work "in the province"... there are many unfilled jobs in Labrador West.

    Labrador West, last I heard, was still "in the province".

    Also Ontario has drained this province of its people, who are of working age, to work the Nickel refinery in Sudbuy,I might add, the very ore that was dug out of the ground to run that refinery came of of Voisey Bay, Labrador.


    Long after Voisey's (there's an 's in there; only Newfoundland imperialists feel at liberty to redraw the map of Labrador) Bay is a hole in the ground, Newfoundland will have a smelter, smelting concentrate imported from elsewhere. If elsewhere lets it, and doesn't bitch about those Newfoundlanders taking their ore, blah blah blah.

    Also, if you haven't read the statistics, we are not producing children here in multiples, like we did back 30 or more years ago. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has the lowest birth rate in Canada, if not the whole world.

    How does NL stack up in terms of birth rate with "the whole world"?

  36. Section 91:12 of the BNA Act reserves responsibility and power over "sea coast and inland fisheries" to the federal government.


    Read the rest of the Act:

    92. In each Province the Legislature may exclusively make Laws in relation to Matters coming within the Classes of Subject next hereinafter enumerated; that is to say,--

    2. Direct Taxation within the Province in order to the raising of a Revenue for Provincial Purposes.

    5. The Management and Sale of the Public Lands belonging to the Province and of the Timber and Wood thereon.

    92A. (1) In each province, the legislature may exclusively make laws in relation to

    (a) exploration for non-renewable natural resources in the province;
    (b) development, conservation and management of non-renewable resources natural resources and forestry resources in the province, including laws in relation to the rate of primary production therefrom; and

    (c) development, conservation and management of sites and facilities in the province for the generation and production of electrical energy.

    To be sure, this applies to oil as well.

    Except as modified by the offshore accords, under which the province, AND ONLY THE PROVINCE, collects direct royalties on the oil.

    You can find sufficient information to confirm this fact on your employer's website:

    What is that site supposed to tell us? Where in that site does it say that the federal government collects ROYALTIES? (Hint: It doesn't.)

  37. if so, why are you working in Ottawa instead of Labrador or Newfoundland since you say we need so many workers.

    I have no experience, skills, or aptitudes for the mining industry.

    Also why are you working against us if you are working there?

    That's a leading question!

    Define "working against" and "us", please.

    Here we are trying to get the truth out concerning our resources in Labrador

    Who's stopping you?

    Go ahead: POST THE "TRUTH".

    and Newfoundland and you are refuting everything that is being said on the blogs on how our resources are dealt out.

    No, I am refuting BS, myths, lies, and misinformation.

    Anything that is factual, I leave tal qual.

    don't lambaste others for taking higher paying jobs eleswhere in the country.

    I'm not lambasting anyone for doing so.

    I'm wondering why someone would rather work in Alberta for less take-home pay, expenses considered, than if they worked in their own province.

    Is it because it's the Labrador part of their own province?

    It's very puzzling.

  38. If you are the person, WJM, who is living in the very urban city of Ottawa and working there, no doubt, receiving a very high paying salary,

    I wish!

    please refrain from setting us backwards here in Labrador and Newfoundland.

    How have I done so?

    all the other resources that were given away to other provinces and foreign nations,

    Please itemize these resources.

    Thank you.

    you will always be referred to in the blogs as some sort of traitor.

    "Traitor", huh?


    Political discourse in Danny Duplessis' Newfoundland.

  39. WJM - You refused to answer my question on whether you are an assistant to the MP for Labrador in Ottawa. Why would you refuse to answer? I don't need to know your name, but it would be very helpful to understand why you are always toeing the line for Ottawa. If, indeed, you are working on behalf of an area of this province, then we should know.
    If you are, I find it quite distasteful that Ottawa would allow a person working on behalf of the province to do what you are doing on the blogs. As far as I am concerned it is nothing short of traitorism.I am wondering if your MP boss knows what you are up to, if so it is shocking.

  40. WJM said
    "I'm not lambasting anyone for doing so.

    I'm wondering why someone would rather work in Alberta for less take-home pay, expenses considered, than if they worked in their own province.

    Is it because it's the Labrador part of their own province?"

    Maybe they don't have the qualifications required to work in Labrador. That’s the excuse you're using isn't it - you don't work and live in Labrador because you only have the experience to and qualifications to work in Ottawa.

    You're making assumptions to back up your notions that people you don’t know are anti-Labrador - and choose Alberta or somewhere else over Labrador while you yourself have imply that Labrador is the best place on earth but choose not to live and work there.

  41. In reply to
    "If you are the person, WJM, who is living in the very urban city of Ottawa and working there, no doubt, receiving a very high paying salary,

    I wish!"

    so you prefer Ottawa over Labrador - but for some reason people who travel from the province to Alberta are anti-Labrador and don't see it as part of there province.

  42. Check out the government Job Bank...

    ...and see just how many 'great' jobs there are in Labrador.

    I saw two (heavy equip. mechanic/foreman and accountant), neither of which I'm qualified to do, otherwise I'd have applied in a heartbeat. Everything else is the same as what's available on the island, $7-8/hr, and anything paying more is limited in the number of hours. $14/hr sounds great until you realize it's only for 15 hours.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. To WJM:

    What is that site supposed to tell us? Where in that site does it say that the federal government collects ROYALTIES? (Hint: It doesn't.)

    I never said the Fed. government collected royalties you - I'm saying it has legislative authority over offhshore resources.

    WHY ARE YOU QUOTING FORM THE BNA ACT REGARDING ONSHORE RESOURCES? We're talking about oil and fish. No aptitude for mines? You have no aptitude for reason either.

  46. To WJM:

    What is that site supposed to tell us? Where in that site does it say that the federal government collects ROYALTIES? (Hint: It doesn't.)

    I never said the Fed. government collected royalties you - I'm saying it has legislative authority over offhshore resources.

    WHY ARE YOU QUOTING FORM THE BNA ACT REGARDING ONSHORE RESOURCES? We're talking about oil and fish. No aptitude for mines? You have no aptitude for reason either.

  47. I love how WJM likes to tell only part of the story and uses words to blind people, Federal Propaganda at it's best.

    Ottawa does not collect a single solitary red penny in direct resource revenue in ANY province,

    What he neglects to mention is the fact that Ottawa claws back through the equalization formula Non-Renewable resource revenues. SO yes he is correct that the feds don't collect a red penny in DIRECT resource revenues but the same can't be said for indirect claw backs through the D-equalization formula.

    How do you keep a colony down, set up a process where-by you can ensure they stay a have not province.

    In NL's case, the annual payout to people in the province far, far exceeds the pay-in.

    And who's fault is that? The feds destroyed the fish stocks by allowing foreigners to rape and pillage the Nose, Tail, and Flemish Cap 40% of our continental shelf.

    The Feds claw back Non-Renewable resource revenues through the D-equalization formula.

    The Feds have a 50% stake in our offshore oil and Gas and a 8%Ownership stake. But won't even weigh in on the proposed Fallow field legislation. Alberta who owns their oil and gas outright brought in just this type of legislation Use it or Lose it in 3 years Fallow field.

    The Feds have mismanaged the seal hunt to allow the ARA groups to use it as their annual fund raiser by allowing protestors to get within 10 meters of their work area and allowing for the first come first serve quota system and not promoting using all of the seal for animal and fish food.

    The Feds refused to allow NL to transmit the electricity from the Upper churchill through Quebec and hence helped perpetrate the one sided deal that in conjunction with Hydro Quebec having inside information on Brinco's state of finances by sitting on their board. A direct conflict of interest that they were told would be the case and weren't allowed to do.
    (Feds forced a natural gas pipeline across three provinces for Alberta and Ontario)

    The Feds caused the biggest layoff in Canadian history with upwards of 40,000 fishers and associated workers getting laid off because they mismanged our ENTIRE continental shelf 40% of which lies outside the 200 mile EEZ. (Nose, Tail, Flemish cap)

    The feds are in charge of the marine Atlantic which is our life line and one of the biggest stumbling blocks to economic prosperity and a manufacturing industry.


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