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Friday, June 11, 2010

NL Appeals Lower Churchill Transmission Ruling

This week NALCOR, Newfoundland and Labrador's energy corporation, on behalf of the Province, filed an appeal with the Regie in Quebec. Earlier this year the Regie, which regulates the power industry in Quebec, ruled that Quebec did not have to permit Newfoundland and Labrador to wheel Lower Churchill power across its grid to markets in Canada and the U.S.

The filing, which can be viewed here (or in our Links section under NL Development Links)clearly outlines the Province's position and details a number of factual problems with the earlier ruling. Everything from the board's conclusion that the Churchill Falls generating plant in Labrador is a fully controlled part of the Quebec authority and going so far as to boldly claim that Quebec Hydro's Transmission company was not aware of the 1969 existance of Churchill Falls power contract.

Reading the detailed issues and misrepresentations found in the original ruling, which are identified by NALCOR in its appeal document, it should be bewildering to anyone with even half a brain how the Quebec regulatators can function, let alone make sound decisions.

In this writer's opinion, and based on the content of the appeal document, either the decision making body of the Quebec Regie is totally ignorant of reality or they are even more blatently corrupt than anyone could possibly be without self destructing as a result of wallowing in their own crapulance.

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